Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2012, Tom XVII


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    Profesor Jerzy Fogel – portret kórnicki
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Żychlińska, Justyna
    Professor Jerzy Fogel’s life was closely tied to Kórnik. Apart from supervising a number of excavations, he took an active part in the cultural life of Kórnik. He initiated the construction of the Jewish Lapidary and edited two volumes of a book devoted to the history of Kórnik and Bnin [Z dziejów Kórnika i Bnina]. It was Professor Fogel’s idea to organise the Magnolia Blossom Festival and to establish the tradition of the bugle call at the Kórnik’s town-hall. He also inspired and coordinated the celebrations of the 550th anniversary of the location of Kórnik. Professor always participated in all cultural events in Kórnik spontaneously and selflessly, with full commitment, despite risking health or even life. This attitude was fully appreciated by the city council of Kórnik, which awarded the Professor with the Order of Merit of the Town and Commune of Kórnik’.
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    Niezidentyfikowany przedmiot gliniany z osady ludności kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Poganicach, pow. słupski, stan. 4
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Wierzbicki, Jacek
    Among hundreds of thousands potsherds produced by the Funnel Beaker settlement site in Poganice there was an almost spherical item, with its surface covered with 65 imprints of a fingernail. The imprints might have been done by a child, who tried to imitate activities related to the production of a ceramic vessel, although it seems more probable that the item was meant to be a toy. The artifact may possibly represent a method of recording numerical information, commonly known as tally marks, in which a quantity was recorded according to the rule: one item – one sign. However, the item might have been also produced unconsciously. In his theory of various intelligences, H. Gardner distinguished a kinaesthetic intelligence. A person with the dominant kinaesthetic intelligence is manually skilled, and has a habit of playing with variuos things while listening. Maybe, then, the item was unintentionally made by someone sitting at the fire and listening to the story being told by someone else while unconsciously playing with the clay ball?
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    Wiersz na pochwałę herbu Łukasza III Górki w szesnastowiecznym druku Aleksandra Augezdeckiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Wielgosz-Skorupka, Ewa
    In the paper we present one of the poems written in the sixteenth century, a tribute to the Łukasz III Górka’s coat of arms – Łodzia, found in a Bohemian hymnal Piesně Chwal Božskych [...], issued in Szamotuły in 1561 by Aleksander Augezdecki. The main subject of the paper is a whole-page woodcut on the verso of the title page the book presenting Łukasz III Górka’s complex coat of arms, with an accompanying Czech poem in its honour. Poems concerning the Łodzia coat of arms are known from over 20 Polish printings dating to the sixteenth century, the oldest of them dedicated to Piotr Tomicki, a vice-chancellor, bishop of Krakow and Poznań, and later mainly to the members of the houses of Górka and Opaliński.
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    Osadnictwo ludności kultury łużyckiej w rejonie Brzezia w południowej Wielkopolsce
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Szczurek, Grzegorz
    The aim of this paper is to look at the cultural situation in the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age in the vicinity of Brzezie in southern Wielkopolska. Brzezie, the district of Pleszew, has been known in the archaeological literature as a place of the discovery of a hoard of gold items of adornment and the largest thoroughly examined Lusatian cemetery in that part of Poland. Through the analyses of selected grave assemblages from the cemetery and deposits of imported goods I point to the contact character of the Pleszew settlement concentration. Both macro- and micromorphological traits of pottery as well as characteristic features of the burial rites may suggest the existence of a contact zone in this particular part of the Prosna River valley of communities representing groups from western Wielkopolska, Górny Śląsk-Małopolska and central Poland. The recorded syncretic cultural picture of the area, as reflected by material evidence, might have been also influenced by the Early Bronze Age tradition known from this territory in the form of the mixture of the Trzciniec and Tumulus cultures. In this context I address the already discussed issue of the existence of the so called eastern Wielkopolska (wschodniowielkopolska) group of the Lusatian culture. The remarks presented in the paper introduce further microregional studies to be undertaken in order to recognise cultural processes in S-E Wielkopolska in the period of the Lusatian Urn Fields.
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    Krzemienne grociki strzał z cmentarzyska ludności kultury mogiłowej w Górzycy nad Odrą
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Socha, Krzysztof; Szemelak, Radosław
    The purpose of the paper is a multiaspectual analysis of flint arrowheads from three graves of the Tumulus Culture from the cemetery in Gorzyca (site 20). The analysed assemblage consists of 12 items, mainly made of Cretaceous erratic flint, including two semi-products and ten notched arrowheads. Based on the typological analyses, the assemblage was divided into types.
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    Memoriał Hansa Schleifa – poznański ośrodek archeologiczny w planach Trzeciej Rzeszy
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Prinke, Andrzej
    The paper discusses a memorial delivered by Professor Hans Schleif (1902-1945), a German classical archaeologist, who was appointed a trustee for securing cultural goods of Wielkopolska in December 1939 and in fact a successor of Professor Józef Kostrzewski by the Nazi authorities. The institution hitherto termed Dział Przedhistoryczny Muzeum Wielkopolskiego (Department of Prehistory of the Museum of Wielkopolska) was renamed into Landesamt fur Vorgeschichte Posen (National Office for Prehistory in Poznań), and since then it was supposed to fulfil the role of an archaeological and conservation institution. Schleif’s memorial, issued in February 1940, included a project of a total reorganisation of the archaeological centre in Poznań. The text provided assessment of the achievements of the Polish archaeology between WWW I and WWW II, and contained also a number of plans and aims of the Nazis regarding Polish collections and archaeological institutions. The document included also opinions on the relationships between the Nazi officials in their struggle for power and influence. Thus the text allows for a better recognition of this dramatic period in the history of Poznań archaeology.
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    Badania archeometryczne substancji organicznej z krzemiennych grocików z cmentarzyska ludności kultury mogiłowej w Górzycy nad Odrą
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Pietrzak, Sławomir; Langer, Jerzy J.
    The aim of this paper is to verify a hypothesis of the organic origin of adhesives that were preserved on the surface of two flint arrowheads discovered in grave 26 on the cemetery of the Tumulus Culture at Górzyca upon the Odra River. The main purpose of the archaeometric analysis was to identify archaeological specimens (including their differentiation from geogenic bitumic substances and food remains), as well as to recognise tar producing technologies of the Tumulus Culture communities. Preliminary archaeometric analysis showed that both specimens displayed features of organic anthropogenic materials, produced in the process of dry distillation of method with an additional vessel to collect the product. The hypothesis, was further verified in the course of microscopic analyses, which did not register any traces of raw material, e. g. birch bark. This, has suggested the use of an advanced production technology.
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    Nowe odkrycia figurek Feuerböcke z terenów ziem polskich
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Michałowski, Andrzej; Teska, Milena
    During the excavation of the site in Grabkowo, the district of Włocławek, fragments of two firedogs were unearthed. They represent type II: 1 in M. Babes’s typology. Originating in Jutland, they correspond with stylistic features of pottery recognised at the site and are dated to the beginning of the Pre-Roman Iron Age. Given a very small number of such artefacts known from Poland, the discovery of firedogs in Grabkowo throws new light on the spread of such forms in Central Europe
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    Uwagi na temat tzw. grobów rodzinnych kultury pomorskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Malinowski, Tadeusz
    The paper argues against the concept that all graves of the Pomeranian culture with more than one urn should be regarded family burials. Such graves frequently resulted from storing cremated human bones to be buried during a single funeral service held for a number of deceased, as well as from putting remains of the same dead into various urns. At the same time a burial of a young woman and a newborn baby in separate urns could be termed a family burial.
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    Ekspedycja górnodniestrzańska Instytutu Prahistorii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Perspektywy polsko-ukraińskiego projektu badawczego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Makarowicz, Przemysław
    The aim of the project is to recognise selected barrow cemeteries of the Bronze Age Komarow culture, dated to 1700-1100 BC, and the publication of the excavation results. In 2007 and 2009 two largest ‘Komarow’ cemeteries were verified in the course of field-walking surveys – the eponymic site at Komarow and Bukivna (Bukowna), Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. The next stage of the project was a geomagnetic and archaeological research at the necropolis in Bukowna carried out since 2010.
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    Grzebień znaleziony w studni ludności kultury przeworskiej z miejscowości Konotopa na Mazowszu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Machajewski, Henryk
    Excavations carried out in advance of the construction of A-2 highway in the vicinity of the village of Konotopa unearthed the settlement site of the Przeworsk culture which functioned between the late phase B2 until the second half of phase C2. The site produced a number of interesting finds, including a three-layer comb representing type I, variety 1 according to S. Thomas, dated to the second half of phase C2 of the Late Roman Iron Age.
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    Naczynie z przedstawieniem antropomorficznym z nekropoli w Miłosławicach na Dolnym Śląsku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Lasak, Irena; Kaczmarek, Maciej
    The paper discusses a vessel with a lid, the urn from one of the graves from the Lusatian culture cemetery in Miłosławice in Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk). It presents a stylistic analysis of images from the urn and its lid, as well as an attempt at their semantic interpretation, on the basis of former conclusions from the subject literature, regarding in particular anthropomorphic images on pottery dating from the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age.
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    Profesor Jerzy Fogel - wspomnienie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Minta-Tworzowska, Danuta
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    Z historii badań nad wyobrażeniami n ceramice grobowej kultury pomorskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kwapiński, Marian; Kwapiński, Aleksander
    The paper outlines the history of the study of images on the Pomeranian culture burial pottery at the beginning of the scientific interest in this phenomenon. At the time a range of research issues emerged that have been addressed also by later scholars. The authors also aim to present a complementary character of the investigation on the vessel iconography of the Pomeranian culture and consider a possibility of explaining cultural senses on the basis of the history of interpretation of facial images.
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    Studnia z późnej epoki brązu ze Szczodrzykowa koło Kórnika
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Krzyszowski, Andrzej
    In 2004 rescue excavations were carried out at the multicultural site 4 in Szczodrzykowo, near Kórnik, Poznań District (in advance of the construction of the local gas pipeline). Within the area of 1260m2 60 features were unearthed, including 16 of the Lusatian culture. Among the latter a whole circular timber lined well was discovered, consisting of three parts made of a burned trunk of an aldertree. The parts were supported with several timber pegs from the outside. The fragments of pottery discovered in the well represent the style of the Late Bronze Age and the period from HaC till HaC – HaD. The chronology of the feature was estimated also on the basis of the 14C dating (a piece of the timber provided a sample) and the achieved dates ranged between 836 and 771 BC.
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    Jak pracowity Wojciech zażartował z pana Skąpskiego, czyli perypetie niefortunnego poszukiwacza skarbów z XVIII wieku. Wągrowieckie księgi miejskie jako źródło informacji o nowożytnych depozytach monetarnych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Krzepkowski, Marcin
    In the records of Wągrowiec, the town in Wielkopolska, kept in the National Archive in Poznań, there are a number of seventeenth and eighteenth – century notes, concerning hiding, withdrawing and searching for coin deposits. These mentions, most often included in testaments and lawsuit acts, were usually related to the times of political disturbances (Swedish Deluge, Great Northern War). The lawsuit under consideration dates back to 1764 and regards the discovery of a treasure in the village of Rakowo, providing an interesting example of the redeposition and change of the owner of hidden possession – issues that are usually difficult to notice in the analyses of hoards. The examples demonstrate the significance of hitherto underestimated municipal documents for the studies on the circulation and hoarding of money in the modern times.
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    Obraz Tartessos w historiografii hiszpańskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Krueger, Michał
    Tartessos, the land mentioned by Greek and Roman written sources and located in western Andalusia, is commonly seen as a legendary, unimaginably rich kingdom. The aim of this paper is to present the role of the historical context on the character of various interpretations of Tartessos, and also to provide the Polish readers with the history of research on this archeologically interesting region. Archival historical and archaeological papers as well as critical historiographic literature on Tartessos have been analysed in the paper. The article also attempts to demonstrate that the image of Tartessos, as shaped through the ages, has been contingent on social and cultural context, as well as more or less deliberate implementation of theoretical concepts.
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    Poznańskie dzbanki miodowe z Rochlitz
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kowalczyk, Andrzej
    The paper presents two fragments of beer mugs discovered during archaeological excavations in Poznań at number 21/22 Szyperska Street (ul. Szyperska), which are often referred to as honey jugs from Rochlitz. They are characterised by zones covered with fluting and brown and yellow glazing. The context of the discovery suggests that the vessels, manufactured in the first half of the 18th century in Saxony, either in Rochlitz or Lunzenau, might have belonged to a merchant living in Poznań in a Jewish district.
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    Pod rozsadzonym kamieniem
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kaczmarek, Jarmila E.
    Among the ‘hoards’ unearthed between the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, there is a particular collection of items found under erratic boulders. Wielkopolska produced nine such discoveries, dated to the Eneolithic (Bytyń, the district of Szamotuły), the Bronze or Early Iron Ages (Brzezie, the district of Pleszew; Kaczory, the district of Piła; Łuszkowo, the district of Kościan; Rosko, the district of Czarnków-Trzcianka), as well as the early Middle Ages (Górzno, the district of Leszno; Magnuszewice, the district of Jarocin; Nojewo, the district of Szamotuły; Słuszków, the district of Kalisz). Similar finds are also known from other regions of Poland. The ‘hoards’ were buried near or under boulders. In the Bronze and Early Iron Ages the deposits consisted of various bronze and iron items, while in the medieval times they predominately consisted of silver. The practice of burying objects under boulders were most probably related to some cult rituals. In the ancient times, the cult of boulders, interpreted i.e. as places where epiphany of gods took place, was quite common; hence burying precious offerings under boulders. In the early Middle Ages boulders were regarded as one of the borders between the known and unknown world, thus the deposition of precious objects in such places was supposed to ensure their usage in future life. In Poland, the cult of boulders was still present in the nineteenth century. Folk legends told stories of boulders, sometimes of treasures found underneath, for which an archetype might have been provided by particular discoveries of objects buried under boulders in prehistory. However, cult rituals cannot account for all finds – the context of each find must be always taken into consideration.
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    Sesostris – ideał władcy epoki Oświecenia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kaczmarek, Hieronim
    The paper discusses the adaptation of the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris as an ideal ruler by the people of the Enlightenment.