Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 66, 2015
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Item Wpływ Oscylacji Północnoatlantyckiej na przepływy rzek w dorzeczu górnej Wisły(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Wrzesiński, Dariusz; Ogór, Tomasz; Plewa, KatarzynaThis article examines the dependence between monthly and seasonal NAO indices and monthly flows of rivers in the Wisła basin down to Jagodniki. In the analysis, use was made of monthly flow data from 55 gauging stations from 1971–2010. On the basis of 156 coefficients of correlation among the variables analysed, two variants of the clustering of the gauging stations, using Ward’s method, were employed. In both, six river clusters were distinguished. In a majority of cases, the analyses showed there to be the strongest negative correlation between winter NAO indices and May to September flows of the Wisła’s left-bank tributaries. The NAO impact on the flow of the Wisła’s Carpathian tributaries is weaker, though still observable.Item Stability of high and low flow periods on European rivers(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Wrzesiński, DariuszThe aim of this paper is to examine regional differences in the flow regime of European rivers. The stability of a flow regime is defined as the regularity of high and low flow periods during a year (Corbus and Stanescu, 2004). The first, second, and third maximum and minimum values of the mean monthly flows during the year served as regime characteristics, i.e. descriptors of the regime phases. A series of monthly discharges recorded during the years 1951–1990 at 510 stations on 369 European rivers were analysed. The coefficient of stability used in the analysis enables an extension of classical hydrological regime analysis. The proposed approach allows not only to establish the term of high and low flow periods of the river, but it also shows the regularity (stability) of their occurrence.Item Kontynentalizm termiczny w Europie(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Witek, Michał; Bednorz, Ewa; Forycka-Ławniczak, HannaFive indices of thermal continentality were computed for 84 stations in Europe and shown in the maps. The thermal continentality in Europe is spatially variable and increases eastward and southward from the northwestern shores towards Asia. Continental features are distinct in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula and in the northeastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, despite their small distance from the Atlantic Ocean. Most continentality indices (Chromow’s, Ewert’s, Conrad’s, Johansson-Ringleb’s) reveal a similar spatial pattern of thermal continentality in Europe, and they allow the continent to be divided into a western and eastern part along meridian 20–25°E. Marsz’s index, which takes into consideration the level of oceanity, indicates a narrow zone along the northwestern shore as oceanic and the remaining part of Europe as continental.Item Wizualizacja dynamiki zmian liczby uczestników imprezy masowej z wykorzystaniem dronów(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Smaczyński, MaciejCurrently the fastest growing segment of equipment for acquisition of photogrammetric images is drones. This article examines the possibilities and the effectiveness of such devices to obtain images during mass events at various time intervals. The aim was to design a visualisation of the dynamics of change in the number of participants of mass events. At the same time, the paper presents an attempt to systematise the process of acquiring data using this type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).Item Analiza wybranych sytuacji synoptycznych związanych z ekstremalnym opadem w latach 2011-2013 nad obszarem Łodzi(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Radziun, WojciechThe aim of the study is to analyse the maximum daily rainfall during selected synoptic situations in summer from the period 2011–2013 in Łódź. In this study, data collected from fourteen rain gauges belonging to the Łódź Infrastructure Company were used. The measurement sites were evenly distributed within the city and rainfall was recorded every 5 minutes. The study analysed five synoptic situations during which the observed day totals in the city exceeded 20 mm. The highest rainfall in Łódź occured during days featuring the passage of weather fronts, mostly cold. The maximum rainfall was observed in the southern or south-western part of the city. In four cases, south-western cyclonic circulation occurred, and in such conditions the highest rainfall was recorded in the southern part of the city and diminished towards the north. This unusual trend may be related to the terrain elevation, as the terrain in Łódź slopes north-east to southwest.Item Reżim stanów wody wybranych jezior Pojezierza Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiego(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Plewa, Katarzyna; Wrzesiński, Dariusz; Ptak, MariuszThis article seeks to determine the regime of water stages of two lakes, Lednica and Powidzkie, located in the Wielkopolskie Lake District. In the research, use was made of their daily water-level figures from 1984–2012. In order to establish the regime features of the lakes, the method hitherto applied in river regime studies was employed: an analysis of the temporal structure and type of lake water stages and their changes in an average annual cycle. As the research has shown, Lake Lednica has a 5-period regime structure, while Lake Powidzkie has no characteristic cycle of change in its water levels, a consequence of which is the 2-period structure of its regime. Because of the similarity of the location of the lakes and the natural conditions of their operation, the causes of their different regimes should be sought in their individual features and in human activity.Item Cyrkulacyjne uwarunkowania występowania wysokich stężeń pyłu zawieszonego w Krakowie(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Pietras, BartłomiejThe study presents the influence of the synoptic situation on high suspended dust concentrations (episodes) in Kraków. For this purpose, the calendar of circulation types for Southern Poland by T. Niedźwiedź was used. The analysis of episodes of high suspended dust concentration is based on daily data of average PM10 concentration from the measurement monitoring stations belong to the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection which are located in different parts of the city.Item Ekstremalnie wysokie stężenie zanieczyszczeń powietrza w Nowym Sączu w dniach od 23 stycznia do 1 lutego 2006 r. i ich przyczyny(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Palarz, AngelikaThe issue of high concentrations of air pollution and their synoptic conditions is an important research problem which has been studied over many years in different parts of the world. Unfortunately, previous studies were conducted mainly in highly industrialised and urbanised cities. The main goal of this work is to clarify the causes of the extremely high concentrations of air pollutants in Nowy Sącz that occurred in the period from 23 January to 1 February 2006, i.e. the strongest episode of pollution recorded in southern Poland in 2005–2014. The study was based on data consisting of average daily and hourly concentrations of PM10, sulful dioxide and nitrogen oxides obtained from the websites of the Regional Inspectorates for Environmental Protection in Kraków, as well as an analysis of the ERA-Interim reanalysis and high resolution gridded dataset CARPATCLIM. The results showed that the episode of very high concentrations of air pollutants was associated both with the local land relief, which fosters the stagnation of cool air, as well as extremely unfavourable synoptic conditions.Item Kartowanie terenowe w technologii GPS-GIS(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Halik, Łukasz; Lorek, Dariusz; Medyńska-Gulij, BeataThe paper presents methods of field mapping using different classes of mobile devices (GPS navigation, tablet / smartphone), allowing for the acquisition of spatial information and attributes of objects with topographic accuracy (meters). The objective of the research is an inventory of natural monuments, as in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of monuments allows for better care and management. In terms of methodology, we developed a terrain mapping scheme using GIS software and GPS technology.Item Zmiany kierunku wiatru wraz z wysokością w Ciężkowicach(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Lisowska, MonikaThe aim of this paper is the investigation of vertical wind direction changes in Ciężkowice. In the study, data on wind speed and direction from the wind data collection tower in Ciężkowice for over a 2-year period (from June 2008 to May 2010) were used. Wind speed was measured at two heights, 10 and 40 m a.g.l. The location selected for this analysis is an upland landscape, typical of this part of Poland. Average wind direction at 40 m a.g.l. was deflected by 11° to the right. The studies revealed the influence of local conditions on wind speed and direction in Ciężkowice. Also shown is a domination of wind from the southern and western sectors at both heights.Item The third dimension (3D) in the presentation of noise distribution on building facades - as shown by the example of a fragment of a residential estate in Poznań(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Kubiak, JarosławThe work attempts to visualise the distribution of the acoustic wave in an urban area using a 3D model. The primary objective was to present the level of noise on facades of buildings. The studied area was a fragment of a residential estate in Poznań. The geometry of the topographical objects was obtained from the GBDOT. A three dimensional model of the building development of the area was made using the Google SketchUp program. The input data for the interpolation of isophones were taken from direct field measurements. Attempts were made to obtain measurement data from road sources. The obtained values were averaged for 16 hours of the daytime. Ranges of the individual noise levels determined by the isophones were marked in colours. The applied software enables displaying the noise distribution on building facades, viewing it at various angles and making animations. The work presents the use of a 3D model for an urban area. The model is expected to improve the information database regarding noise hazards in a built-up area.Item Rola i znaczenie Warty w dawnym Poznaniu(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Kaniecki, AlfredIn this article an attempt has been made to demonstrate the role and significance of the Warta river in the spatial organisation of Poznań, its defence system and its economic role. Water from the Warta and its tributaries was both one of the basic raw materials and an energy producer, via water mills, in the manufacturing processes of workshops or groups of craftsmen (tanners, shoe makers, wood workers, beer brewers) along its banks. While in the Middle Ages the river pattern of Poznań played an important role in the development of the city area, in the middle of the 17th century its significance began to gradually decline, ultimately disappearing. The Warta lost its significance as a water route. Its waters are polluted and it seems that the city has turned away from it.Item Charakterystyka występowania burz w Kaliszu(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Jasik, Dominika; Szyga-Pluta, KatarzynaThis paper presents the daily and annual course of thunderstorms in Kalisz. The research was based on records from the period 1985–2014 from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, and more detailed archived meteorological data from the period 2004–2014 from the station in Kalisz. The study identified no clear trend in the number of days with thunderstorms during the study period, except a slight increase of the thunderstorm occurrence frequency. Thunderstorms form during the whole year and all day long. However, the warm part of the year is connected with the highest thunderstorm activity in Kalisz, as well as the warmest part of the day. They appear most frequently between 15.01 and 16.00. The majority of thunderstorms last for only 11–20 minutes. The longest storm was observed on September 17th, 2010 (361 min.). They arrive mainly from the south west.Item Charakterystyka warunków anemometrycznych w sezonie letnim na Mierzei Łebskiej(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Figat, Katarzyna; Szyga-Pluta, KatarzynaPreparation of the data concerning anemometric conditions in the summer seasons of 2008–2013 on the Łeba Sandbar allowed their detailed analysis. The average wind speed in the analysed period is higher during the day than at night. Very weak and weak winds dominate, and strong and very strong winds do not occur. In the daily course of wind speed the maximum values appear between the hours of 14:00–16:00 and minimum values at night. Analysis of the diurnal course in wind direction showed a predominance of winds from the west sector in this region.Item Zmiany intensywności wyżu syberyjskiego i ich wpływ na temperaturę powietrza w środkowej Syberii(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2015) Bednorz, Ewa; Paczesna, MagdalenaOn the basis of daily data from Baseline Meteorological Data in Siberia, Version 5.0 for 5 stations located in central Siberia changes in the intensity of the Siberian High 1950–2008 and their impact on air temperature were examined. It was found that trends of the air pressure were negative in the centre of the Siberian High in the analysed period, particularly from the 1980s. The decrease in Siberian High intensity was correlated with an increase in temperature in the region. Using the average daily values of sea level pressure for the Asian sector of the Northern Hemisphere (reanalysis data), it was demonstrated that the occurrence of extremes in winter air temperature are strongly dependent on the Siberian High intensity and other macro-scale circulation patterns. Occurrence of the lowest values of temperature is accompanied by a strengthening of the Siberian High and by the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation, while the highest values of air temperature in winter months are associated with negative pressure anomalies over the Northeastern Asia, which means a weakening of the Siberian High and intensifying of the influx of air masses from the west.