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Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 18 z. 1, 2011

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    Identyfikacja rodziców stanu chłopskiego we wrzesińskich księgach chrztu z lat 1700–1725
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Sieradzki, Andrzej
    The study focuses on nominal groups referring to parents of peasant origin excerpted from Września-based baptismal registers (liber baptisatorum). The fundamental aim of the study is to show to what extent the folk population in the region was identified solely on the basis of a name and to what extent was the identification based on a combination of the name and the surname. It is also important to indicate whether the identification process included other elements of the noun phrase based on anthroponimic stems. Further on, it is also important to determine what type of additional and auxiliary identifying determinators are to be found with the appearing anthroponymic element. The observations done so far demonstrate that the two-element paradigm for personal identification (already common in nominal groups with reference to members of nobility and to burghers) of people that belonged to the peasantry, is used in the texts under scrutiny only to a very low degree. As the numerical data suggests, more than 80% of parents are identified by the second name only. Additional identifying elements do occur, however, in groups based on names (without the surname element). The study demonstrates that the localyzing determinator is dominant. Determinators indicating occupation, type of craft made and the current occupation of the person are also frequent. The groups under consideration also include determinators that indicate economic status of the person, though they are much rarer. The situation changes in groups with an additional surname determinator. Here, there are only two types of the determinator to be found: localizing determinator and one that indicates the economic status of a given person.
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    Leksykalne zapożyczenia rosyjskie w "Tygodniku Ilustrowanym" z lat 1926–1930
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Joachimiak-Prażanowska, Joanna
    The present article is a contribution to the study of the history of Polish-Russian linguistic contacts and focuses on the phenomenon of Russianisms (Russian expressions) in the Polish language, in particular on the phenomenon of lingering Russianisms in the Polish language during the inter-war period (1918–1939). The issue has not been sufficiently and thoroughly scholarly addressed so far. The article discusses the lexical borrowings from Russian that were used in the Polish language used in “Tygodnik Ilustrowany”. This weekly publication was published in Warsaw throughout the whole of the inter-war period in Poland. The analysis covers relevant vocabulary excerpted from five annual volumes of the periodical, i.e. from the years 1926–1930. The author attempts to prove and illustrate to what degree the influence of the Russian language was manifested in the lexis used by editors and journalists of the weekly, what elements of this influence remained between 1918–1939 after the long period of partition and the immense influence of Russian upon the Polish language. Additionally, the author examines whether the Russian influences gained support in the Polish language of former inhabitants of the Eastern Polish borderlands who later settled in free Warsaw or in the language of those of its inhabitants who spent part of their lives in Russia.
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    Świat ptaków w staropolskich kolędach i pastorałkach (na materiale "Kantyczek karmelitańskich" z XVII i XVIII wieku)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Borejszo, Maria
    The article discusses the image of birds as documented in Kantyczki karmelitańskie [Carmelite canticles] from the 17th and the 18th centuries published by Barbara Krzyżaniak in 1980. Birds are to be found in more than 30 lyrics of Christmas carols (for the total number of 357 contained in the set under scrutiny). These include mainly domestic birds, very well-known both to the authors of the canticles and to the recipients and users of Polish Christmas carols and Christmas festivity songs. In total, about 60 species of birds are specified, including two exotic birds (the canary and the parrot). The bird’s realm was used in Christmas carols for different purposes, e.g. in the descriptions of the Bethlehem shed that is inhabited by petty birds, mentioned on account of the enumeration of gifts given to Jesus by shepherds, in accounts of the Flight to Egypt by the Holy Family, and in descriptions of the joy of the whole of the world of nature at the birth of the Saviour. It is worth noting that creators of Christmas carols did not limit themselves to just mentioning names of particular species of birds, but also provide a description of characteristics, sometimes a detailed one, such as the appearance and behaviour of its particular representatives. The carols include, for example, information on the habitat of birds, type and colouring of the plumage, common sounds made by various birds, staple food of birds, the shape of the beak and the size of the gullet. The birds pictured in the Christmas carols were either members of a village band up in the air (some sort of flying band), joyfully proclaiming Good News to the world (a motif often made used of in old-Polish Christmas carols and festive songs), or gathered at the manger to perform menial services and functions in real word reserved only for humans. Birds take on typically human behaviour, show human dispositions and fancies, customs and habits (e.g. wine or beer drinking in the nuptials).
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    Poznańskie "album civium" – charakterystyka właściwości graficznych i językowych dokumentu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Banderowicz, Kinga
    The present article, though far from being exhaustive, makes a contribution to support the standpoint, expressed by many researchers, that there is the growing need for an inclusion of elements of paleography to studies on the history of the Polish language. The article should be viewed as an attempt at an examination of the graphical and linguistic properties of the text under scrutiny (libri iuris civilis or alba civilian of the city of Poznan from the years 1575–1793) that constitutes onomastic material excerpted from historical sources. The present article demonstrates typical characteristics of linguistic features of the document; diversity of the texts is highlighted, writing ductus instantiated in the flow of writing the text is discusses, as well as individual styles of handwriting and the tendency of the city’s scribes to differentiate letters and signs graphically (multi-functionality of signs, the influence of non-Polish handwriting styles, abbreviations).
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    Polskie homilie Jana Pawła II - rekonesans badawczy
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Zagórska, Katarzyna
    The article presents an overview of the Polish subject literature on the language of the homilies and speeches delivered by John Paul II. The second part of the article includes a discussion on the author’s own research study on the subject that takes into account the Pope’s use of one, autosemantic part of speech, the verb. The source material for the analysis has been excerpted from the homilies delivered by John Paul II in Polish during the Pope’s eight pilgrimages to his homeland. It includes homiletic texts from the years 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2002, i.e. from within the time bracket of 24 years. In 67 homilies, the Pope uttered 110,036 lexemes, which as a result of the analysis produced 1,787 verbal lexical units. The number of verbal lexeme formations amounts to 14,900. On average, one unit includes 225.75 verbal lexeme formations, whereas the average percentage share of verbal lexeme formations in the material under scrutiny is 13.54%.
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    W poszukiwaniu języka. O retoryce Partii Kobiet
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Sobczak, Barbara
    To make the political presence of women more visible in modern public discourse it is necessary to work out a language that would represent them appropriately. An analysis of the rhetoric of the Women’s Party (Polish: Partia Kobiet), established in 2007, shows how this problem is handled by the officials of the party. The starting point for the discussion is the thesis that rhetoric discourse is initiated and shaped by a given rhetoric situation (as understood by L.F. Bitzer). In the analysed instance, it is determined by: 1) social and political circumstances surrounding the emergence of the party, no deep-rooted feminist tradition in particular; negativism in the approach towards women’s movements in general reflecting senses and moods dominating within society, marginalisation of women’s issues and women’s voices in mainstream political discourse, 2) historical conditioning and culturally dominant position of the male model of discourse in public address, 3) the attempt to get involved in the discourse as wide audience as possible, coupled with the belief that the sense of unity is to be based on the gender identity. The analysis of the texts available on the web page of the party, viewed as being fully of representative nature for the party, shows that the rhetoric of the Women’s Party is not heterogeneous. It oscillates between the rhetoric of co-operation (through the agency of which the party looks for tools instrumental for achieving some kind of agreement and dialogue in the public debate) and the rhetoric of hatred, already well-established in Polish political discourse (which undermines the formerly mentioned conciliatory attitude in dialogue and co-operation). As a result, a type of a communication ensues that is not free from paradoxes and one that makes a creation of a coherent and consistent message impossible, and therefore hinders a creation of a credible image of the party.
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    Semantyka i funkcje barwy czerwonej w "Solaris" Stanisława Lema
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Kaptur, Ewa
    The article introduces a contribution into the theoretical reflections presented in a series of publications on the names of colours in the poetical output and prose writing of different authors. The author examines the semantic field of the colour that most frequently appears in the novel, its exemplifications in the text and the functions it performs. The article identifies not only hypernyms of the colour red but also non-basic names and hyponyms that refer to the prototypical exemplars of fire and blood. In total, the author analysed 43 primary and secondary names for the colour red exemplified mainly by adjectives and verbs. The collected names of the colour have been assigned to two main thematic circles, i.e. nature (atmospheric phenomena, ocean and its inhabitants) and human being (body, clothes).
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    Mowa niezależna w przekazie medialnym a podstawowe funkcje informacji dziennikarskiej (część 1)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Grzelka, Monika; Kula, Agnieszka
    The article is a part of outcome from a research project carried out by the author and devoted to quotations in Polish media and mass communication after 1989. The present elaboration includes an analysis of journalistic information, viewed as a particular kind of journalistic communication distinguishable from column writing due to its specific functions. A number of monographs and text books devoted to the development of the writing skills required for producing media texts are examined to single out those properties of journalistic information that the authors consider to be the most important. Within the context of the indications obtained in the process and the factographic pact between the author and the reader as it has been described by Zbigniew Bauer, the functions of quotation in direct speech are discussed. An attempt has been made to introduce a classification of persons using journalistic text in their presentations, while one of the their categories, a participant of described events, is examined more thoroughly.