Bohemistyka, 2017, nr 1


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    Bezručův »Kovkop«
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Všetička, František
    Composing the poem Metal Digger (Kovkop) Petr Bezruč used those tectonic means: repetition of a basic verb, enumerative listing, asked questions and mini-stories. A picture of blood takes an important role as well as the refrain and the title of the poem.
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    XX Międzynarodowa i Ogólnopolska Konferencja Onomastyczna »Onomastyka – Neohumanistyka – Nauki Społeczne«, Kraków 21–23 września 2016 r.
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Kołodziej, Agnieszka
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    Vzpomínka na profesora Edvarda Lotka
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Hradilová, Darina
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    Polskie sztuki teatralne w interpretacji czeskiego reżysera
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Ciszewska, Ewa
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    Meditace a modlitba v literatuře raného novověku z pera Jana Malury
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Průša, Lukáš
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    Šel do světa na zkušenou
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Hrdlička, Milan
    In Czech, so called noun (substantive) adjectives belong to substantives. Concerning their forms, they are declined as adjectives, relating to one of the noun genders. Some of these noun adjectives are similar to real adjectives question – they can occur in all grammatical cases in communication. The other noun adjectives lost their adjective features. Some of these former adjectives, especially those feminine ones, occur in different adverbial meanings and are connected with a particular grammatical case only.
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    »Wydobyć z siebie to, co po ludzku najcenniejsze« – przypadek Oto Mádra (1968–1989)
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Brodniewicz, Joanna
    The article presents a profile of Oto Mádr in the period from the Prague Spring till the Velvet Revolution, and is based on memories and documents. During the Prague Spring he conducted lectures on ethics at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Prague. From the 70s of the twentieth century till the Velvet Revolution, Mádr was a spiritus movens of the catholic samizdat, he also organized independent theological lectures. From 1978, he started publishing the ”Teologické texty” in the samizdat. Mádr was one of the most important advisers to the cardinal František Tomášek, and collaborated on the work of spiritual revival of the Chech nation. In the years 1990–2005, he was an editor-in-chief of the ”Teologické texty”. Until the end of his life, Mádr cooperated with the Catholic Theological Faculty at the Charles University in Prague, and co-edited of the ”Teologické texty”.
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    Erbena czarodziejskie kwiecie – motyw magicznych roślin w zbiorze »Kytice«
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Pilarski, Adrian
    In this article author discloses world of magical flowers in the poetic works of Karel Jaromír Erben, par ticu larly in the poetic volume Kytice. Erben in his ballads rep re sents nature not only as a work domaine of gods of the Slavs, but also as a way to control mortal ones and impact on their life. Nature is therefore an emanation of divinity and the divine world is a theater in which the role of the di rec tor's play countless slavic gods.
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    Demiurgiczne wymiary rzeczywistości. Na marginesie powieści Alfreda Kubina i Jana Weissa František Všetička, Bezručův »Kovkop«
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Woźniak, Kamila
    The paper discusses certain motifs common to the novels of Alfred Kubin and Jan Weiss. The author analyses symbolic domains of the plot, referring among others to the gnostic thought, the theory of utopia, or psy cho analy sis. She em pha sises the in ter - tex tu al ity of the novels discussed, which con sti tutes a kind of a game with the recipient in which the authors dem on strate the de mi ur gi cal aspects of reality.
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    Nowy słownik terminów literackich dla bohemistów
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Kołodziej, Agnieszka
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    Travels of Karel Čapek. On the Role of the Imaginative Variation in the Letters from Various Parts of Europe
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Skibska, Anna Maria
    In the article, I take into con sid era tion a series of Karel Čapek’s letters, which deliver a charming and cheerful evidence of his travel ex pe ri ences resulted from his visits in various parts of Europe. In order to unveil the Czech writer’s origi nal ity regarding the poetics of trave logue, I refer to a number of figures, which are to organize his peculiar epis to lary idiom. Čapek’s style is, therefore, de ter mined by irony which turns out to be streaked with sub se quent rhe tori cal devices such as litotes, cor rec tion, and self- correction linked with el lip ti cal presence of apo sio pe sis. What is more, the Czech writer invests in the so-called variant manner of writing, due to which his letters instead of the common travel knowledge provides the reader with de scrip - tions con cern ing details: from the tra di tional point of view, they might be perceived as mean ing less facts, however, in Čapek letters they are trans formed into in di vid ual, unique, and ex cep tional events, which are to remain in the reader’s con scious ness.