Werkwinkel, 2010, vol. 5(1)

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    Review of William Kelleher Storey Guns, Race, Power in Colonial South Africa Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008 378 pp. ISBN 978-0-521-88509-6
    (Department of Dutch and South African Studies, Faculty of English, 2010) Leśniewski, Michał
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    Het ‘corresponderende lezen’ van Odile Heynders als interpretatiemethode voor P.C. Hoofts “Waer ’t dat Juppijn...”
    (Department of Dutch and South African Studies, Faculty of English, 2010) Polkowski, Marcin
    In Correspondenties: Gedichten lezen met gedichten (2006), the Dutch literary critic Odile Heynders proposes a new method of interpreting poetry, which she labels “corresponding reading.” Heynders applies this method to modern poetry. Her reading strategy offers also new perspectives for literature in other periods. As this article shows, a ‘correspondence’- based approach to P.C. Hooft’s sonnet “Waer ’t dat Juppijn…” offers new insights in the psychological dimensions of the oeuvre of this 17th century Dutch poet.
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    Relations with People and Relations with Things: Management of Human Resources in African Companies
    (Department of Dutch and South African Studies, Faculty of English, 2010) Feijó, João
    This article intends to analyze the viability of a paternalistic human resources management model in companies of the formal sector, where a logic of profit maximization assumes a more demanding dimension. Paternalism is used as a metaphor to understand the relations between employers and employees as modelled on relations between parents and children. The concept demonstrates the transformation of exploitation and authoritarian relations, guided under the imperative of regulation and profit, in ethical and affective relations, where the feeling of duty towards a protector predominates. A paternalist practice consists, in a general way, of attributing a set of affective and social benefits, in exchange for low wage indices, perpetuating employees’ dependence in relation to the company. In fact, the model is criticized for not encouraging African workers’ autonomy and social emancipation, promoting instead servility and submission to the authorities. This article intends to examine to what extent paternalist practices are adapted to sub-Saharan social and economic needs, compensating for the fragility of the Welfare State. Finally, it aims to reflect on the epistemological presuppositions of development conceptions.
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    Adaptive Shifts: Identity and Genre in the Memorials of the 1820 British Settlers in the Cape Colony
    (Department of Dutch and South African Studies, Faculty of English, 2010) Włodarczyk, Matylda
    Multiple reflections of social transformation are to be found within newly founded colonial communities, such as that of the early British settlers in South Africa (known as the ‘1820 Settlers’) analysed in this study. Such reflections include indications of the genre transformations which may be traced in the 1820 Settler letters (petitions/memorials) addressed to the officials responsible for the colonial plan (1819-1825). Prior to the colonisation, for instance, this genre was clearly devoid of an affective component (Besnier 1990: 431; cf. also Katriel 2004: 4) which has surfaced in the colonial context. On a micro-level, it is echoed in, among others, the strategies of reporting speech which is understood here as a marker of stance (Włodarczyk 2007; cf. Biber 2004; Besnier 1993). The proposed features of genre transformation are illustrated here in the course of a linguistic comparison of two collections of letters presented in the paper. As example, some innovations are introduced in the correspondence of Jane Erith, a destitute settler whose property was destroyed in a fire and who sought support from the colonial authorities. In her writing, as a desperate colonial subject she confronts the disastrous inadequacy of the institutional sources of power as a way of resisting the established power relations (cf. e.g. Laidlaw 2005). The paper demonstrates that some connections between genre conventions and social upheaval may be revealed in the course of linguistic analysis.
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    Isaac le Long’s German Version of Grevenbroek’s Khoekhoe Glossaries as Published by Juncker in 1710
    (Department of Dutch and South African Studies, Faculty of English, 2010) Besten, Hans den
    Over the years researchers have hit upon two Khoekhoe documents in the Herrnhut Archives of the Brüder-Unität. These documents, which I will call Hh-A and Hh-B, are in essence two pairs of Khoekhoe glossaries with German as the metalanguage. In Hh-A these glossaries are presented consecutively and in Hh-B in a parallel fashion. Document Hh-B will be discussed only briefly in the present paper, since it derives its data from, and is therefore secondary to Hh-A. It is important to note that Hh-A itself is also a secondary product, since it is based upon two Khoekhoe glossaries compiled by the Cape Colonial intellectual J.W. de (or: van) Grevenbroek and published in Juncker (1710). Nevertheless, Hh-A is of some inte­ rest because it is related to the first Moravian mission to the Khoekhoen (Georg Schmidt, 1737-1744) and because the reshaping of the Juncker glossaries, which yielded Hh-A, was executed by the well-known 18th century Amsterdamian author and translator of French-German descent, Isaac le Long. Le Long replaced the Latin column that Juncker had added to the Khoekhoe glossaries with a translation of his own, in German. Hence a comparison of both translations is called for, which means that not only le Long’s manuscript Hh-A will be reproduced in this article, but also Juncker’s edition of the pertinent glossaries. These text editions can be found in the Appendices A and B, which are preceded by six sections of running text. After an introductory section, section 2 will discuss the textual network Hh-A is part of, as well as its historical context. Section 3 will discuss various aspects of the two glossaries as can be found in Juncker (1710), such as the structure and the contents of the two glossaries, typos and graphemic Germanisms, and the importance of these glossaries for Khoesan and Afrikaans studies. Sections 4 and 5 will discuss Juncker’s Latin, and le Long’s German, column respectively. Flaws in Juncker’s Latin column can be attributed to Juncker’s lack of knowledge of Dutch and partly to the new, bewildering Cape Dutch terminology for the animal kingdom at the Cape. As expected Isaac le Long removed many flaws of Juncker’s edition but for him the new Cape Dutch lexis was also impenetrable. Furthermore, there are formal flaws in his German, which can be interpreted as ‘Dutchisms.’ Section 6, finally, will be a technical introduction of the appendices.