Ocena zachowania w doświadczeniach gimnazjalistów
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu
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Badania procesu „oceniana zachowania” w szkole podjęłam dlatego, że jest to temat ważny i pomijany w analizach naukowych. Wyniki badań mogą mieć znaczenie dla praktyki szkolnej, jako głos w toczącej się obecnie dyskusji nad funkcją, jaką ma pełnić ocena z zachowania w szkole. Ponadto, jeśli na ocenianie szkolne spojrzymy jako na jeden z wymiarów kultury szkoły, jako zjawisko ogniskujące w sobie założenia ideologii edukacyjnej oraz strategie radzenia sobie przez uczniów z normatywną rzeczywistością szkoły, badając ocenianie w szkole pośrednio diagnozuje się kondycję szkoły.
W badaniach chciałam odpowiedzieć na pytania: (1) Czego doświadczają oceniani za zachowania uczniowie (w jaki sposób są oceniani? jakie funkcje pełni ocena z zachowania? jaki jest jej przedmiot?, jakie działania podejmują oceniani uczniowie i oceniający ich wychowawcy?) (2) Jakie czynniki doświadczenia te różnicują (związane ze środowiskiem szkolnym? z wychowawcą? ze środowiskiem rodzinnym badanego? z badanym?)
Przebadałam, za pomocą ankiety i rozmowy, 122 uczniów z 6 poznańskich gimnazjów. Wyniki są następujące:
Gimnazjaliści są oceniani za to, jak zachowują się w szkole, a nie poza nią. Są oceniani przez wychowawców, nauczycieli i kolegów z klasy, nie są zachęcani do samooceny. Ideałem wychowawczym szkoły jest postawa konformistyczna. Oceniani za zachowanie uczniowie ogólnie czują się zadowoleni, ale nie są motywowani do działań i do pracy nad sobą.
Uczniowskie doświadczenia „bycia” ocenianym za zachowanie w szkole w najwyższym stopniu różnicują czynniki związane ze środowiskiem szkolnym. Na przykład im wyższy poziom szkoły, tym więcej uczniów przekonanych jest o tym, że wzorową ocenę z zachowania otrzymują konformiści. Jednocześnie uczniowie szkół elitarnych częściej niż inni deklarują, że są krytycznymi uczestnikami szkolnej rzeczywistości. Są też, mocniej niż pozostali przekonani, że ocena z zachowania pełni funkcję stratyfikacyjną.
Jeśli przyjmiemy, że szkoła wtedy sprzyja rozwojowi ucznia, kiedy wychowuje do autonomii, postawy krytycznej, uczy dokonywania samooceny, wglądu w siebie, zachęca do podejmowania działań, angażowania się, pracy nad sobą, to oceniająca zachowania ucznia na stopień, jawiąca się z wyników moich badań szkoła nie wpisuje się w ten model.
The subject of this paper is the process of ‘conduct marking’ at schools as it is an important issue that receives very limited attention in scientific analyses. The study results can be of significance for school practice and contribute to the ongoing debate about the function of conduct mark at schools. Furthermore, if school marking is viewed as one of the dimensions of school culture, a phenomenon that unites the principles of educational ideology and student strategies of managing the normative reality of their school, by researching school assessment the condition of schools is also indirectly diagnosed. The aim of the research was to answer the following questions: (1) What is the experience of students whose conduct is assessed (how are they assessed? what are the functions of the conduct mark? what is the subject? what actions are undertaken by the students assessed and their tutors who assess them?) (2) What experience factors differentiate them (linked with the school environment? with the tutor? with the family environment of the person assessed? with the person assessed?) The study involved 122 students of 6 junior secondary schools in Poznań. The research tools used were a questionnaire and conversation. The results are the following: Junior secondary school students are assessed for their behaviour at school and not outside school. They are assessed by tutors, teachers and classmates, and are not encouraged to self-assess. The educational ideal at school is the conformist attitude. The students whose conduct is assessed are generally satisfied, yet they are not motivated to act or work on improving themselves. The students’ experience of being assessed for their conduct at school is influenced by factors connected with the school environment. For example, the higher the level of the school, the more students are convinced that the highest conduct mark is granted to conformists. At the same time students of elite schools report more than others that they are critical participants of the school reality. They are also more convinced that the conduct mark has a stratificational function. Supposing the school supports student’s development by preparing for autonomous learning, critical attitude, self-assessment, introspection, initiative, involvement and self-development, the image of a conduct-marking school that originates from this research study does not comply with this model.
The subject of this paper is the process of ‘conduct marking’ at schools as it is an important issue that receives very limited attention in scientific analyses. The study results can be of significance for school practice and contribute to the ongoing debate about the function of conduct mark at schools. Furthermore, if school marking is viewed as one of the dimensions of school culture, a phenomenon that unites the principles of educational ideology and student strategies of managing the normative reality of their school, by researching school assessment the condition of schools is also indirectly diagnosed. The aim of the research was to answer the following questions: (1) What is the experience of students whose conduct is assessed (how are they assessed? what are the functions of the conduct mark? what is the subject? what actions are undertaken by the students assessed and their tutors who assess them?) (2) What experience factors differentiate them (linked with the school environment? with the tutor? with the family environment of the person assessed? with the person assessed?) The study involved 122 students of 6 junior secondary schools in Poznań. The research tools used were a questionnaire and conversation. The results are the following: Junior secondary school students are assessed for their behaviour at school and not outside school. They are assessed by tutors, teachers and classmates, and are not encouraged to self-assess. The educational ideal at school is the conformist attitude. The students whose conduct is assessed are generally satisfied, yet they are not motivated to act or work on improving themselves. The students’ experience of being assessed for their conduct at school is influenced by factors connected with the school environment. For example, the higher the level of the school, the more students are convinced that the highest conduct mark is granted to conformists. At the same time students of elite schools report more than others that they are critical participants of the school reality. They are also more convinced that the conduct mark has a stratificational function. Supposing the school supports student’s development by preparing for autonomous learning, critical attitude, self-assessment, introspection, initiative, involvement and self-development, the image of a conduct-marking school that originates from this research study does not comply with this model.
ocenianie zachowania, gimnazjaliści, conduct marking, Junior secondary school students
Jaskulska S., Ocena zachowania w doświadczeniach gimnazjalistów, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, 2009, s. 192.