Zapotrzebowanie a zaopatrzenie w wodę w Polsce. Stan istniejący — zadania na przyszłość
Płóciennik, Danuta
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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Demand and Supply of Water in Poland (Present Situation — Tasks for the Future)
Supply of water has grown to a very important problem in the world, being a live issue in Poland as well, because Poland is a country with relatively small resources of water characterized by great time and spatial variability. Taking into account the amount of water for one inhabitant we take the 22-nd place in Europe. The satisfaction of increasing needs of all water users becomes more difficult in consideration of decreasing water resources together with simultaneously increasing contamination. In the years 1961-1970 the total consumption of water increased of about 77%. Industry took the greatest part, mainly the power engineering industry — 45% of water for industry. The unit water consumption in the communal economy has 0grown from 228 litres for one inhabitant in 24 hours in 1960 to 300 l/i/24h. in 970, from which the values in housekeepings have respectively amounted 107 and 164 I/i/24h. These indicators will still be growing in the amount of about 200% in 1980 and of more than 300% in 1990. The existing shortage will intensify to critical sizes due particularly to distribution of existing resources in the Silesian-Cracow, Wałbrzych and Wrocław agglomerations, intensification of agriculture in the river-
-basins of Warta and Wisła, irrigation of meadow complexes and non-return Bug consumption for the USSR area. The occuring shortage can be decreased by building storage reservoirs with big capacities replenishing rivers in critical periods, as well as by water transfer systems for deficit areas and also by rational economy resolving itself to water losses replenishment, second water consumption, using closed water curculation systems and less water-consuming technologies in industry. Very important is also the struggle particularly with surface water contamination, which is the main source of supplying the communal economy with water. This source covers up to 70% of communal economy needs and 92% of industrial demand for water, mainly by exploiting its own water intakes. Lakes of Mazury — as the future
source of drinking water, river-basins of Pilica, of Carpathian Wisła affluents as well as the river-basin of Nysa Kłodzka, should be areas of special preservation in Poland.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 40, 1978, z. 2, s. 185-201