Indywidualność i społeczeństwo

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Szczepański, Jan



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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Individuality and society


The author understands individuality in terms of features appearing only in one person. He regards individuality as , a mechanism interfering with phenomena and processes of the life and activity of an individual. As a social creature an individual acts and behaves adequately to the socially accepted patterns, requirements and norms, and such behaviours and actions are the basis for maintaining constancy and continuity of the society. As an individual, a person creates new ways of acting, creates new values and thus contributes to the development of the society and becomes an inventor and innovator. The issue of fundamental importance for the society is the elimination of evil present in that society. In their social manner of existence, people have always been trying to reduce the level of evil through socializing the individuals. The author believes that a better way to achieve that goal is to individualize the masses. In his/her individual manner of existence, a person has his/her own internal value which is responsible for his/her identity and creative abilities. Thus in the latter manner of existence an individual does not strive for wealth and fame, i.e. for all those goods which in his/her social manner of existence a person wants to attain though doing evil. However, individualization of masses is a very difficult task. There is little knowledge of individuality and the methods of moulding and developing individuality hardly even reached an initial stage of advancement. The sciences dealing with education are fascinated by the problem of socialization, i.e. by the way people are being prepared for living in a community and for co-existing with others. Yet it is high time to ask why the mankind adheres so obstinately to the methods of the elimination of evil which so often proved a complete failure over the past millenia. Why not to try methods not accompanied by new ideologies, organizations, by struggle, social movements, revolutions and extensive reforms, employing the potential inherent in the mechanisms of individuality of each of billions of human beings living in our world?



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 50, 1988, z. 3, s. 1-13





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