Model handlu światowego w 1970 roku
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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A World Trade Model for 1970
This world trade model examines trade flows in 1970 between six country
groups and seven groups of goods and services comprising together the whole
world trade in goods and services. Using as division criteria: per capita income, the
political regime, the commodity composition of exports and the location of the
country on the globe — the following country groups have been distinguished:
1. U.S.A., 2. Industrial Europe, 3 Semi-industrialized countries, 4. Non-industrialized
countries, 5. Oil countries, 6. Socialist countries. Within each of the country groups
seven sectors have been taken into account, namely: Food, Raw materials, Oils,
Chemicals, Equipment, other manafacturers and services. The sum of their products gives the gross domestic product at factor costs of the country group concerned.
For each of the first five country groups linearized growth models of the
Harrod-Domar type have been drawn up. A condensed version of the models used
for the country groups mentioned is one sector model which consists of six equations
and nine variables. The purpose of the model is to give a comparative static
analysis of the consequences of giving aid to the less developed countries. For
each country group a model has been built as an extension of the condensed model,
in the sense that seven sectors instead of one have been taken into account.
In turn, the country group models have been linked into a world model by
means of definitions of the volumes of world trade. Thus for each country group
a definition of world trade of this commodity, as the sum of the imports of the
individual groups has been added. Moreover, a definition of world price had to
be added which defines it as a weighed average of the individual domestic prices.
The author attempts to make some statements from the individual
country group models. In each, a model giving aid, a new equilibrium situation
arises where the G.D+P, of the giving country is smaller than in the original equilibrium
situation. For a country receiving aid the opposite reasoning holds. Furthermore,
giving aid means a decrease of a. country's domestic price level, a decrease
of its imports and an increase of exports.
A detailed survey of the results of the world model can be found in appendix C.
Four combinations of giving and receiving aid have been dealt with.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 30, 1968, z. 1, s. 143-169