Pozycja i funkcje planistyczne dyrektora przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach reformy gospodarczej

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Position and planner functions of an enterprise director under conditions of the economic reform


The article attempts at defining position and planner functions of the State enterprise director which have to be better developed in the effect of the economic reform and in particular through the realization of its in-coming model postulates. The discussion is preceeded by the short characterization of new planistic conditioning of an enterprise formed by the radically changed — in relation to the traditional systematic solutions — shaping of the substance and structure of the plan, mode and procedure of its elaboration, integration of the enterprise plan with the central and local ones. Creating a wide ranging planistic independence (in both current and the long-run aspect) and a parametric mechanism of planistic activities, the economic reform calls for a replacement of a administrational and executive model of a director with the one of political and manager, i.e. the profound change in the role and the situation of the planner function of the director. Generally speaking, all mental processes and planner acts of the director concerning the short and the long-run activities of the enterprise can be reduced to the tree principal functions: namely inspiring, coordinating and supervising ones. The inspiring function is to occupy the central position among the other, while the remaining functions are the necessary supplement to the first one, yet they gain in their weight as the inspiring function becomes more exposed and autonomous. The planner position of the director should also be increased by granting the director the status of autonomous and strongly situated planning organ, which growing role is imposed on the system of relations: director — managing collective, workers' self-government and founding organs.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 3, s. 205-217






Title Alternative

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