Pickering emulsions formed using ultrasound and electric fields - their characteristics and applications
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Emulsje Pickeringa wytwarzane za pomocą fal ultradźwiękowych i pola elektrycznego - ich właściwości i zastosowania
Emulsje spotykamy w wielu obszarach naszego życia. Niezależnie od konkretnego zastosowania powinny zachowywać one swoje właściwości wraz z upływem czasu. Dlatego nadal pracuje się nad coraz doskonalszymi metodami wytwarzania stabilnych emulsji i ich charakteryzowania. Jedną z metod stabilizacji jest użycie cząstek stałych do pokrycia kropel emulsji, a takie emulsje nazywamy emulsjami Pickeringa. W tej rozprawie składającej się z cyklu 6 publikacji zaproponowano nową metodę wytwarzania takich emulsji z użyciem fal ultradźwiękowych i pola elektrycznego. Działanie metody zostało sprawdzone metodami optycznymi i ultradźwiękowymi. Pokazano również, że magnetyczne emulsje Pickeringa wykazują różną efektywność nagrzewania magnetycznego na różnych etapach wytwarzania, co może być istotne z punktu widzenia przyszłych zastosowań w terapii hipertermii magnetycznej, czy w wytwarzaniu metodą spiekania w polu magnetycznym kapsułek koloidalnych mających potencjalne zastosowanie w nowoczesnych terapiach medycznych. Zaprezentowane w ramach rozprawy wyniki mogą przyczynić się do wynalezienia skuteczniejszych metod stabilizacji emulsji i lepszego zrozumienia fundamentalnych procesów zachodzących w nich, gdy są wystawiane na działanie zmiennego pola magnetycznego.
Emulsions are ubiquitous colloidal systems that we encounter in everyday life. These should maintain their properties for a long time in order to be safe and useful. Therefore, scientists have still been working on better methods of emulsion formation and their characterization. Using solid particles to cover droplets in an emulsion is one approach for obtaining a stable emulsion and "Pickering emulsions" is a typical term for this kind of colloidal systems. In this thesis, that consists of the series of 6 publications, I proposed a novel approach to producing Pickering emulsions by employing ultrasound and electric fields. Optical and ultrasonic techniques were used to assess the method's effectiveness. Furthermore, the efficiency of magnetic heating in magnetic Pickering emulsions varied depending on the stage of stabilization, which could be very important for future applications of such emulsions in magnetic hyperthermia therapy or the fabrication of colloidal capsules via magnetic heating, which could be useful in new medical targeted therapy. The findings given in this thesis may aid in the search for more efficient and applicable emulsion preparation methods, as well as a better understanding of the processes that occur in such emulsions when exposed to an alternating magnetic field.
Emulsions are ubiquitous colloidal systems that we encounter in everyday life. These should maintain their properties for a long time in order to be safe and useful. Therefore, scientists have still been working on better methods of emulsion formation and their characterization. Using solid particles to cover droplets in an emulsion is one approach for obtaining a stable emulsion and "Pickering emulsions" is a typical term for this kind of colloidal systems. In this thesis, that consists of the series of 6 publications, I proposed a novel approach to producing Pickering emulsions by employing ultrasound and electric fields. Optical and ultrasonic techniques were used to assess the method's effectiveness. Furthermore, the efficiency of magnetic heating in magnetic Pickering emulsions varied depending on the stage of stabilization, which could be very important for future applications of such emulsions in magnetic hyperthermia therapy or the fabrication of colloidal capsules via magnetic heating, which could be useful in new medical targeted therapy. The findings given in this thesis may aid in the search for more efficient and applicable emulsion preparation methods, as well as a better understanding of the processes that occur in such emulsions when exposed to an alternating magnetic field.
Wydział Fizyki
I also thank the Polish National Science Center for its financial support through the research projects within OPUS programs (project no. 2015/19/B/ST3/03055 and no. 2015/17/B/ST7/03566), and within PRELUDIUM program (project no. 2019/35/N/ST5/00402: Formation of Pickering-emulsion-based microcapsules by using magnetic heating and their characterization).
emulsja Pickeringa, ultradźwięki, pole elektryczne, nagrzewanie magnetyczne, kapsułki koloidalne, Pickering emulsion, ultrasound, electric field, magnetic heating, colloidal capsules