Współczesne kierunki przekształceń odpowiedzialności podmiotów prawa pracy
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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Contemporary directions of changes in responsibility of the labour law subjects
The implementation of the economic reform and the decrease in the levels of
discipline, efficiency and quality of work made it necessary to introduce new legal
regulations in the sphere of responsibility of the labour law subjects. The above
has been coupled with the heightened interest of the labour law scholars in the
problems of responsibility. In particular, the said interest has been focused on
the question of responsibility of collective subjects of the labour law, i.e. an enterprise,
a crew and trade unions.
On the one hand, the legislator attempts to find new and more efficient means
and mechanism of responsibility, in agreement with the assumptions of the economic
reform. On the other hand, however, there appears a tendency to repeat
old mistakes consisting mostly in a conviction that discipline, efficiency and quality
of work could be stimulated by increasing rigours and developing the employees'
responsibility institutions. Self-dependence of economic subject made it necessary to widen their responsibility,
what was implemented in the first place through the provisions on liquidation
and bankruptcy. The strengthening of a position of a crew resulted in the
need to promulgate laws regulating the responsibility of its representatives and
organs. Similarly, independence of a self-government and trade unions brought
a new outlook on their responsibility. Besides, nowadays more modern legal regulations
of the managerial staff responsibility, and especially the responsibility of
managers of State enterprises, are being searched for. The efforts at shaping anew
the responsibility of the labour law subjects, i.e. an employee, an enterprise, a
crew and trade unions, are not always coherent and consistent. Besides, the promulgated
provisions evoke criticism also from the point of view of the requirements
of the legislative technique.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 50, 1988, z. 4, s. 97-114