Kazachstan jako obecny przewodniczący OBWE – rok 2010: nowa rola średnich państw w podejmowaniu globalnych decyzji strategicznych na podstawie konsensusu
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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM
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The paper concerns the issue of Kazakhstan presiding over the OSCE this year, and the issue
of the role played by medium-sized states in the contemporary architecture of international
relations. As the interests of global players continue to clash incessantly, medium-sized
states are forced to make increased efforts to build a safer and more stable world. The author
uses the example of Kazakhstan to analyze the role of medium-sized states, which can be
compared to that played by small and medium-sized enterprises in building an efficient and
stable economy. The small and medium-sized states are increasingly appreciated on an international
scale in various areas. Kazakhstan is consistently working to achieve its goals, not
only at present within the OSCE, but as a future head of other organizations, many of which
have been established on Kazakhstan’s initiative; the country has always been distinguished
by its international activity. Many of these initiatives have been successfully implemented by
the OSCE itself. The above-mentioned organizations include the Conference on Interaction
and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(SCO), Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC), International Organization of Turkic Culture, and the Permanent Council of Ministers
of Culture of the International Organization of Turkic Speaking States (TURKSOY).
It is important to include the new independent states in the common ideology of the development
of market economies and democratic institutions. As a regional leader in Central
Asia, Kazakhstan is better prepared to implement this mission than other states. Not all
Kazakhstan’s initiatives fall within a purely European framework. As the country is located at
the cusp of Europe and Asia, its government pays constant attention to Euro-Asian issues, all
the more so as, after its presidency of the OSCE, Kazakhstan will chair the Organization of the
Islamic Conference in 2011.
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2010, nr 2, s. 69-80.