Psychologia jako niezbędny komponent politologii

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań

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Psychology as the Necessary Component of Political Science


Ryszard Skarzynski thinks that the main subject of recognition in political science have to be “the political”, which is constructed by a specific kind of group. Contrary to this opinion R. E. Lane said that political science should be freed-up by political psychology. This kind of group (“political”) is endangered by the roles played by individuals. Sociometry is a solution which helped to measure and explore the phase in which the group is. Personality is also important, because there are some characteristics which can threaten the whole group or the group’s purposes (to stay “political” and not to become “social”). “Delta” questionnaire, EPQ-R, MACH IV should help the group and also political scientists to carry out the research what kind of individuals are members of the group. If political psychology has the best ways to explore this matter, political scientist should use them to distinguish “political” from “others”.


Michał Baluch [] – absolwent politologii na WNPiD UAM i student psychologii w Instytucie Psychologii UAM, przewodniczący Koła Naukowego Psychologii Polityki (w latach 2008–2012); autor artykułów naukowych i recenzji dotyczących takich zagadnień, jak: stereotypy, kampanie negatywne, wizerunek medialny, wpływ społeczny, katastrofa smoleńska.



Psychologia, Politologia, Psychologia polityczna


Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM, nr 7, wiosna-lato 2013, s. 187-203



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