Refleksje, nr 7, wiosna-lato 2013


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    Psychologia jako niezbędny komponent politologii
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Baluch, Michał
    Ryszard Skarzynski thinks that the main subject of recognition in political science have to be “the political”, which is constructed by a specific kind of group. Contrary to this opinion R. E. Lane said that political science should be freed-up by political psychology. This kind of group (“political”) is endangered by the roles played by individuals. Sociometry is a solution which helped to measure and explore the phase in which the group is. Personality is also important, because there are some characteristics which can threaten the whole group or the group’s purposes (to stay “political” and not to become “social”). “Delta” questionnaire, EPQ-R, MACH IV should help the group and also political scientists to carry out the research what kind of individuals are members of the group. If political psychology has the best ways to explore this matter, political scientist should use them to distinguish “political” from “others”.
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    W obronie marketingu politycznego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Scheffs, Łukasz
    The immediate cause of the article was the discussion launched by the editors of “Refleksje”. Its theme was the subject of knowledge in political science. The main reason for taking this issue was a book by Ryszard Skarzyński – The Basic Dilemma of Political Science: The Discipline of Science and Conventional Knowledge about Society. The Tradition of the University and the Demarcation of Knowledge. The main objective of the article is the reconstruction of views on political marketing and the politics. The article contains a review of the various theoretical positions on this subject. It is clear that political marketing is not just a “governance engineering” or “manipulation of people” but first and foremost a comprehensive set of the prospects for political parties, which only justifies the need to analyze this complex process.
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    Czy politologia to „nauka interdyscyplinarna”? Kilka słów o przedmiocie poznania i tożsamości dyscypliny
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Karczewski, Maciej
    The article provides a short and synthetic analysis about condition of political science in Poland. It is a voice in the debate about the subject of cognition in the discipline. The article focuses on the problem of interdisciplinarity in political science. Author argues that the lack of reflection on the subject of discipline knowledge leads to the impoverishment of its achievements.
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    Unia Europejska na śródziemnomorskiej „scenie”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Kaja, Ewa
    Recenzja książki "Role Unii Europejskiej w regionie Afryki Północnej i Bliskiego Wschodu" Justyna Zając, Poznań 2012, ss. 360.
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    Zjawisko cyberprzestępczości a polityka cyberbezpieczeństwa w regulacjach prawnych Rady Europy, Unii Europejskiej i Polski
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Karatysz, Mateusz
    In the last decade there has been a sudden and rapid development of the Internet. Together with its improvement, the issue of network security has become an important topic of a discussion over the international security mechanisms. The Internet, nowadays considered as space unrestricted by time or distance, has become an ideal place for new, previously unknown offenses and misdemeanours. Ipso facto, network is now an area that requires measures to ensure safety of its users. Although a cybercrime is currently a subject of the work on complementary legal solutions on both national and international levels, we can wonder if thanks to them the Internet will become a safe place one day.
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    Respondenci wobec inwestycji w energię jądrową w Polsce. Wyniki i omówienie badań
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Smolińska, Katarzyna; Przemieniecka, Agata
    The social protest against energy investments often postpones or completely blocks developments of many power stations in Poland. The problem concerns wind, water and coal power stations, but the most controversial is a setup of nuclear plant. Based on research carried out by the authors and CBOS, we try to answer the question, whether it is possible to get social agreement for establishing nuclear plant in Poland. Also, we try to show the potential behavior and social syndromes, in particular the NIMBY one.
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    Znaczenie Republiki Azerbejdżanu w kontekście bezpieczeństwa energetycznego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Garbaciak, Mateusz
    The article is about contemporary role of Azerbaijan on the European and Asian countries’ energetic market. The author describes projects and trends connected with economic expansion among Azerbaijani companies. One of them, project of the Southern Energetic Corridor, is the most important for the European Union, because of its energy priorities. The biggest opponent of Azerbaijan is Russian Federation, which is trying to force solutions beneficial only for themselves. Azerbaijani sources of energy are hugely important for the nearest neighbours: Turkey and Georgia. In a few years Azerbaijan could become an energy tycoon and would dictate their own solutions like Russia does today.
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    Bezpieczeństwo hydrologiczne w perspektywie Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Zieliński, Wojciech Krzysztof
    Today’s China is the world’s biggest economy. Economy and population growth has impact on Chinese water resources. Pollution and water waste are decreasing the supply of clean water. Besides, there are areas like the southern and eastern regions of China that receive abundant rainfall while the northern and western regions receive much lower rainfall. Government must provide water for drinking purposes and for economy. This isn’t an easy task. Measures that solve one problem often create another one.
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    Judta i Snydera wiek dwudziesty
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Szymanowski, Rafał
    Recenzja książki "Thinking the twentieth century" Tony Judt, Timothy Snyder, Nowy Jork 2012, ss. 432.
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    Kontrfaktyczna próba spojrzenia na historię polityczną Polski
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Kamprowski, Rafał
    Recenzja książki "Pakt Ribbentrop-Beck czyli jak Polacy mogli u boku III Rzeszy pokonać Związek Radziecki" Piotr Zychowicz, Poznań 2012.
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    Mit kosowski we współczesnej serbskiej myśli nacjonalistycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Kobierska, Martyna
    The article discusses the presence of the so-called Kosovo Myth that can be traced in Serbian nationalist thought. The theory of myths which has been analysed in the course of the article has ultimately proven that the Battle of Kosovo Field shall be given a quality of a Myth. Moreover, thanks to a reference to the history of Serbian nationalism, a gross importance in building a sense of nationhood has been confirmed with regard to the aforementioned Myth. An in-depth analysis of the selected examples of the use of myths in culture has shown significant emotional attachment of Serbian people to myths. What is more, it has been confirmed that myths are exploited also on the political scene which contributes to a strong relationship between a mythological memory of the Battle and a shape of Serbian nationalist stances.
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    Polityka pamięci w japońsko-chińskich stosunkach dyplomatycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Warchoł, Paulina
    The conflict concerning historical events between Japan and China is now more visible than ever before – once again the disputes over Senkaku/Diaoyu islands have awakened the ghosts of the past and undermined Japanese-Chinese bilateral relations. The major problems in the politics of memory between those two Asian countries are the rape of Nanking, the content of Japanese textbooks and officials’ visits in Yasukuni shrine. While the tensions are rising, Japan and China struggle to establish historical facts and present their interpretations to the society.
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    Konflikt polsko-ukraiński 1943–1947 w polskiej historiografii i debacie politycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Ksenicz, Igor
    The article aims at presenting the differences in the reception of Polish-Ukrainian conflict of 1943–1947 by Polish historians and politicians, as well as diffusion of the knowledge about the past with contemporary political activity. Firstly, different ideas of the relation between history and politics are described. Secondly, a presentation of three groups of Polish researchers, who study Polish-Ukrainian conflict of 1943–1947, is made. Finally, the analysis of a 2003 parliamentary debate is drawn. The topic of this debate was to commemorate victims of anti-Polish OUN-UPA (Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists – Ukrainian Insurgent Army) action. These are the main conclusions of the article: historical disputes are reflected in politics; the knowledge about Polish victims of OUN-UPA has been disseminated in the Ukraine thanks to the actions of Polish politicians.
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    Bój o historię i tożsamość. Analiza „marszowych” dyskursów
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Kuligowski, Piotr
    The article is about historical policies and discourses produced by modern nationalist movements, as well as centrist and left-wing. The in- crease in attendance and frequency of demonstrations in recent times is not due to the economic crisis, but the skillful construction of rigid political identity and setting sharp lines of division by the radical right. Representing her environment, and especially the National-Radical Camp, deftly took important historical anniversaries and – presenting themselves as ardent patriots – to define hostile environment as traitors. Centrist and left-wing environment seems to be helpless in the face of this political acceleration and brutalization.
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    Powszechna Organizacja „Służba Polsce” a materialne formy rewanżu pamięci
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2013) Kałużna, Joanna
    The article is mainly concerned with the public organization “Service for Poland” (“SP”). Membership of the “SP” is presented as an example of the reason for demanding financial compensation. The first part of the paper contains information about forming “SP” and its organization structure. Then different aspects of the collective memory about “SP” are brought up. Finally, the article describes attempts of demanding financial compensation because of the reason of being “SP’s” member.