Sens współtworzenia jutra
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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The sense of co-creating the future
Not before the majority of the society understands the sense of past, present
and future social changes, will it be possible to talk about the sense of co-creating
the future. The problems of tomorrow shoul be known to the whole society and
not only to its intellectual elite, for everybody must participate in introducing
changes which are to prevent the catastrophe. It is just in creating such unity
that the sense of co-creating the future lies. The future of the mankind is not
given „a priori"; instead, it is created in objectively favourable conditions.
The future evokes both fear and hope. The fulfilment of hopes depends on
the competent use of opportunities. It is only knowledge and the will of action
that can prevent from wasting those opportunities. The future of the mankind
consists not only in multiplying technical and technological devices, but in the
first place requires that people be aware of aims and be willing to attain them.
At our stage of development of the mankind, a main aim remains to be the
change of social relations in the direction of a further harmonization of an individual
development with collective forms of co-existence. Such is our nearest aim.
The aims of future generations can by no means be foreseen at the moment.
Fighting contradictions existing in both capitalist and socialist worlds is a
complex process. Inherent features of capitalism, i.e. making people strive for
profit and adopt a consumption-style way of living, do not promise long life to
capitalist forms of coexistence. On the other hand, accumulated difficulties which
the socialist countries have to cope with do not go along quick accomplishment of
harmonizing a human personality with collective forms of existence. In such
a case, co-creating the future, creating a new socio-economic formation on a global
scale is a long-run and even distressing process. It seams that the present battle
for peace is an important step in the process of changing human mentality for
proper utilization of new productive forces in co-creating the future.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 51, 1989, z. 1, s. 277-289.