Evidence of probable paleotsunami deposits on Kho Khao Island, Phang Nga Province, Thailand

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The 2004 tsunami deposits and probable paleotsunami deposits were studied at the southern Kho Khao Island, on Andaman Sea coast of Thailand. The 2004 tsunami laid down about 8cm of fining upward medium sand and locally about 40cm of massive coarse sand with common mud clasts. The sediments were characterized by the presence of marine foraminiferal assemblage; however, already after 5years many of carbonate foraminiferal tests were partly or completely dissolved. The probable paleotsunami deposits form layer about 1m thick. It consists of massive very coarse sand with common big shells and mud clasts. Its composition suggests a marine origin and the presence of mud clasts, and similarity to the 2004 tsunami deposits suggests that the layer was left by paleotsunami, which took place probably during the late Holocene, even though two shells within the layer gave 14C ages of 40,000years or more.



Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education through research grant No. N N523 376833; Department of Mineral Resourcesin Bangkok, Thailand


Paleotsunami deposits, Thailand, Coastal zone, Post-depositional changes, Indian Ocean tsunami, tsunami deposits


YAWSANGRATT S., SZCZUCIŃSKI W., CHAIMANEE N., CHATPRASERT S., MAJEWSKI W., LORENC S., 2012 – Evidence of probable paleotsunami deposits on Kho Khao Island, Phang Nga Province, Thailand. Natural Hazards, 63: 151-163.


Natural Hazards;





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