Situated Identities and Interaction Learning

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Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

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In the paper, I address the problem of how interaction participants construe tbeir situa­ted identities in dialogues in English as a lingua franca and how those identities influ­ence the course of an interaction and the possibilities o f evaluating learners’ interactional competence. The dialogue analyzed in the paper is an interview performed by advanced learners of English as a foreign language with an American native speaker who is also their teacher. The analysis shows that role construction in a dialogue is a mutual process of interaction participants and it is not always the teacher who determines the role con­struction and controls topics and turns in an interaction. The results also indicate that the roles learners construe in dialogue influence their performance, thus they need to be taken into account while assessing their competence in a foreign language. The paper discusses the possibilities of assessing the development of the interactional competence of advanced learners of English as a foreign language. Using an exemplary case study of a student participating in a two year research, I aim to present the potential of using both conversational analysis and language socialization framework for developing interactional competence as a situated practice. The focus on microactions and identities situated in an interactional context enables a researcher to observe the process of learning in different types of interactions as they are construed by interaction participants themselves. Tentative results point to the significance of individual factors in developing interactional competence, as respective learners shape their participation, that is their situated identities in a given interactive event, in different ways, thus co-construing distinctive­ contexts of learning in interaction. Analyzing the above mentioned case, I aim to show how such constructions of interactive events influence individual possibilities of learning, and to what type of interactional competence they point.




ethnomethodological conversation analysis, English as a lingua franca, situated identity, learning in interaction


Situated Identities and Interaction Learning, In: Monika Kusiak. (ed.). Dialogue in Foreign Language Education. Kraków: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2008, 71-83.





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