Badanie kultury popularnej w zakresie nowych mediów w kraju i na świecie na przykładzie organizacji ludologicznych

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The aim of the article is to present similarities and differences in the approaches to the field of games research in Poland and abroad, on the basis of the analysis of the achievements and activities of two representative academic ludological associations, namely: Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier [Games Research Association of Poland] and Digital Games Research Association. The achievements of the societies are comparable because of the similar period of their activity, a number of conferences organized and a number of publications issued. The subject of the analysis is the declared scope of research of both associations, the topics of papers read during international academic conferences organized by them and the topics of articles in their publications. For the purposes of the analysis two crucial categories concerning games of all types have been introduced to enable further study of the selected texts: the distinction between digital and non-digital games, the former ones referring to electronic games of all types (needing electricity and based on electronics), and the latter ones – to any other kinds of games (in some cases also needing electricity but not electronics). In the analysis four main thematic categories of papers and articles have been established: 1) texts concerning research in the sphere of digital games, new technologies, new media and related phenomena; 2) texts concerning research on non-digital games and related phenomena; 3) texts concerning other aspects of games and ludology including: a) research on non-specific kind of games or, b) quite contrary, concerning different types of games (digital and non-digital) in a particular approach (e.g. educational aspects), c) methodology of games research, d) issues common to all games (e.g. players, gameplay, winning/losing etc.); 4) reviews, reports, forewords, introductory articles and lectures, texts on outstanding scholars etc. The aim of the quantitative analysis is to show the proportions of research devoted to digital games and other issues concerning games research among Polish and foreign ludologists.




kultura popularna, nowe media, badania gier, ludologia, Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier, Digital Games Research Association


Surdyk, A., 2014. "Badanie kultury popularnej w zakresie nowych mediów w kraju i na świecie na przykładzie organizacji ludologicznych" W: A. Gemra, A mazurkiewicz (red.) Literatura i kultura popularna. Badania i metody, Wrocław: Pracownia Literatury i Kultury Popularnej oraz Nowych Mediów, 251-266.


Literatura i kultura popularna. Badania i metody;





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