Rewaloryzacja i waloryzacja świadczeń rentowych i emerytalnych w świetle reformy z grudnia 1982 r.
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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Revalorization and valorization of pension benefits in light of the reform of December 1982
A development of pension scheme system in the People's Poland has heavily
depended on the economic situation of the country and barely followed increase
in costs of living and in wages. A lack of built-in system mechanisms adjusting
level of pension benefits to level of wages or cost of living indices resulted in
a discontinuous development of the pension system which in turn led to a further
discrepancies in levels of pensions and wages.
Revalorization of all previous pension benefits is thus a basic achievement
of the Dec. 1982 pension reform. The previous benefits are to equal in three
subsequent stages (up to Jan. 1, 1985), the level of the presently granted benefits,
the built-in valorisation mechanisms are to be introduced starting from Jan. 1,
Revalorisation of the previously granted pension benefits was carried out tin
two areas. Basis of assessment of all previous pensions was revalorized proportionally
to the period of time from the date of their granting, also a value of pension
benefits was recalculated with an application of increased (to 3000 zł) degression
value and increased percentage indices for particular types of pension benefits
and pension allowances. Revalorization of wages as a basis of assessment of
pension comprised the inclusion of compensations paid after the 1861 and 1982
increases of prices of consumption goods. This however, resulted in a reduction
of value of dependents' pensions, especially in a numerous families which can raise
abjections. The degression threshold moreover, has been situated on a too low level
equaling only 60% of a lowest pension which gives occasion to include pensions
calculated on a basis of wages even 50% higher from the lowest ones to the
portfolio of lowest pensions (as regards dependents' pensions).
Rules of valorization to be introduced in future are correct, especially the
adoption of the so called valorization ratio can maintain a stable relation between
a pension and a basis of its assessment, in spite of increases in wages being
a basis of valorization. What is raising objections though, is putting off a date
of introduction a yearly valorization scheme to Jan. 1, 1986.
A further increase of costs of living and wages must be accounted for in the
present situation of economic crisis and rapidly developing inflation. Further
discrepancies in levels of pensions calculated on the basis of 1982 indices vs. levelsof
dynamically growing wages will eventually make the 1986 valorisation operation
economically difficult.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 4, s. 25-39