Poznań i jego mieszkańcy XIX wieku w pamiętnikarskim dziele Przechadzki po mieście Marcelego Mottego
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Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Title alternative
Nineteenth century Poznań and its inhabitants in the diary format chronicle Przechadzki po mieście by Marceli Motty
Artykuł prezentuje jedno z najważniejszych polskich dzieł pamiętnikarskich
powstałych w XIX wieku – Przechadzki po mieście autorstwa Marcelego
Mottego, zwanego „piewcą XIX-wiecznego Poznania” – w kontekście przedstawionego
w nim obrazu miasta i jego mieszkańców. Autor w swych wspomnieniach na
pierwszym miejscu postawił opowieść o ludziach, natomiast miasto, jego ulice i place
jako teren kolejnych przechadzek są niejako kanwą narracji. Niezwykłe walory
dzieła, takie jak komunikatywność, bogactwo języka, poczucie humoru, anegdota
w przekazie, wraz z ogromem informacji na temat miasta i jego obywateli (wszystkich
funkcjonujących w nim narodowości), w tym zwłaszcza warstw ziemiaństwa,
inteligencji, mieszczaństwa sprawiają, że dzieło stanowi wyjątkowe źródło pamiętnikarskie,
z którego głębi, ujawniającej się w każdorazowej lekturze, czerpią historycy,
przewodnicy miejscy oraz wszyscy zainteresowani dziejami stolicy Wielkopolski
XIX stulecia.
This article presents one of the most important Polish books in the diary format originated in the 19th century – Przechadzki po mieście (City Walks) authored by Marceli Motty, a well-known indefatigable eulogist of the nineteenth century Poznań, within the context of the image of the city and its inhabitants presented in the work. In his memoirs, the author aims at primarily investigating individual people’s lives, while the city of Poznań, its streets and squares, simply provides a background and a framework for successive “walks” in the adopted narration. The extraordinary virtues of the book, such as the fluency and richness of the language, sense of humour, narrative clearly energized by powerful anecdotal message, as well as an enormous amount of information on Poznań and its inhabitants (i.e. members of all of the nationalities present in the city), including primarily representatives of the local landed gentry, intelligentsia, and bourgeois class, make this work an outstanding source of its own kind of the venerated author’s personal record of events and impressions. This is a book to be savoured slowly for its richness and depth, rediscovered again and again with each rereading of the book, while its contents have been extensively and continuously explored by historians, city tour guides and all those interested in the history of the capital of Greater Poland in the nineteenth century.
This article presents one of the most important Polish books in the diary format originated in the 19th century – Przechadzki po mieście (City Walks) authored by Marceli Motty, a well-known indefatigable eulogist of the nineteenth century Poznań, within the context of the image of the city and its inhabitants presented in the work. In his memoirs, the author aims at primarily investigating individual people’s lives, while the city of Poznań, its streets and squares, simply provides a background and a framework for successive “walks” in the adopted narration. The extraordinary virtues of the book, such as the fluency and richness of the language, sense of humour, narrative clearly energized by powerful anecdotal message, as well as an enormous amount of information on Poznań and its inhabitants (i.e. members of all of the nationalities present in the city), including primarily representatives of the local landed gentry, intelligentsia, and bourgeois class, make this work an outstanding source of its own kind of the venerated author’s personal record of events and impressions. This is a book to be savoured slowly for its richness and depth, rediscovered again and again with each rereading of the book, while its contents have been extensively and continuously explored by historians, city tour guides and all those interested in the history of the capital of Greater Poland in the nineteenth century.
diaries, pamiętniki, Marceli Motty, Przechadzki po mieście, Poznań, biographies, biografie
Biblioteka, 2014, nr 18 (27), s. 135-170