Funkcjonalne związki rynku wewnętrznego z produkcją w modelu mieszanym
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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Functional Connections of Home Market and Production in a Composite Model
A correct system of the production connections with the home market is, when
a proper structure of supply from the point of view of the individual consumer is
defined by the quick flow of the information from the consumer to the producer.
In analysing the actual system of market connections with production, it has been
stated, that in the connection market—producer, disturbances appear, stemming
from extension of the direction of the information flow and from the fact that
production reacts only indirectly in retail order.
Extension of the direction of information flow appears in the first place on the sector consumer — production, considering the fact, that there is a mediation of
the institutional wholesale in state-owned trade. Market information flow from the
consumer to the wholesale, where it is aggregated and transmitted not earlier than
now, further to the production and central planificator.
Extension of the way of the market information flow and its transformation
by wholesale, causes it to be useless for current decision about market structure.
In actual market model in Poland contradiction appers between the consumer
request and production structure. This contradiction is not yet solved by market
methods. Institutions producing for the needs of the home market have to obey
many directive indicators comming from central planificator. These directives concern
the value of the marchandise production, financial indicators, investments and
funds of payment. Detailed directives from higher authorities limit independent
action of the concern. This is a further cause which makes more difficult an
elastic reaction of the producer on the market order.
Besides these, cause appear such as: stock deficit, shortage of the appropriate
machines and appliances and improper system of the production planning for need
of the market. Fuction of the national economy contains many contradictions, considering
the fact, that both formations are superimposed: market formation with
respectively self-acting regulation and plan formation with dictation type of the
regulation. Deficiency of an elaborate system coupling both these formations is the
principle cause of contradictions which arrise between production and home
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 30, 1968, z. 4, s. 97-115