Retoryka i historia w służbie wychowania w Polsce na podstawie analizy skryptu wykładów retoryki w Kolegium Jezuitów w Poznaniu z 1679 roku

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Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM

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Abstract. Rhetoric and History in the service of education in Poland on the basis of the script of rhetoric lectures at the College of the Jesuits in Poznan from 1679 The most important subject of the Old-Polish educational system was rhetoric, having roots in the tradition of the Ancient Rome. This statement is very important because of the fact of the orator’s moral and patriotic duties. Owing to this, the lessons’ focus was not only on technical aspects of rhetoric education but also on morality, religion and political knowledge. The article is divided into two main parts. First of them is describing the role of the rhetorical education and the evolution of the connection between rhetoric and history which existed from the 1st century A.D. until the first decades of the 18th century, when history started separating from rhetoric. The second part shows the historical education in practice on the example of the Jesuit College in Poznań. The analysis of this topic was based on the script of rhetoric lectures given in Poznań in 1679. With regard to this manuscript, it could be said that the most important aim of historical education was the patriotic and civil upbringing of the pupils, so that they could participate in political and cultural reality. The history taught in the College in Poznań was mainly connected with Poland and was rather practical.




History of Education, Poznanian College Of Jesuits, School-System Of Poznań in 16th- 18th Century, Secondary Schools, Historical Education,, Moral Values


Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, 2013, nr 29, s. 15-27






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