Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, 2013, nr 29


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    Pan Profesor Stanisław Mauersberg odszedł…
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Markiewiczowa, Hanna
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    Andrzej Kliś – krakowski historyk edukacji
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Ślęczka, Ryszard
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    W 55 rocznicę działalności najstarszej placówki poradnictwa psychologiczno-pedagogicznego w Poznaniu
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Knocińska, Anna
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    Rozwój szkolnictwa podstawowego w gminie Będzino w latach 1945–1954
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Skonieczny, Tomasz
    The article is based on the archives portraying the formation process of Polish schools and cultural institutions as a result of the transformations of the educational system. It presents the condition of the teaching staff and the financial base related to the density of population. The author pays attention to such problems as the lack of staff, funds and equipment. He discusses the forms of co-operation with parents and the society, the participation in all-Polish actions organized by state authorities, especially in the action of fighting illiteracy. The supplement includes the schedule and the curriculum from those times. The article is concluded with the description of the end of the existence of the community of Będzino in its primitive, post-war shape.
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    Oświata żydowska w powojennej Legnicy (1945–1968)
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Szczepański, Andrzej
    When the war activities came to a close, first Jews started to come into town, mainly the former prisoners from Gross-Rosen concentration camp, and then the displaced rescued in the territory of the Soviet Union. The newcomers soon opened their own educational facilities and in the school year 1946/1947 in Legnica there were: a kindergarten, a foster house, a heder, a primary school with Hebrew as the language of lecture, a kibbutz and a Hebrew primary school. The educational pluralism did not last long because from the school year 1950/1951 there remained just one state-controlled Jewish school (the other facilities had been closed). The kindergarten was the only exception and although it received the status of a public institution it preserved Jewish character until mid-50s. The subsequent years brought significant fluctuation of teachers and students as many of them left Poland in the first half of the 1950s, whereas from 1956 more newcomers arrived from the USSR. On September 1, 1959 a high-school class was launched in the local primary school. In the 1960s the emigration of Jews from Legnica increased significantly, which resulted in smaller number of students. A breakthrough year was 1968, when, because of too small number
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    Kształcenie w zakresie grafiki w szkolnictwie artystycznym Krakowa, Lwowa i Wilna w latach międzywojennych
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Boguszewska, Anna
    The beginnings of art education in Poland are connected with the cities of Cracow, Vilnius and Warsaw in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the interwar period (1918–39), in addition to the most powerful graphics education center in Warsaw, this discipline of art developed intensively in the art schools in Lvov, Cracow and Vilnius. The development of graphics in the Cracow Academy is related to the artistic and educational activities of Józef Pankiewicz. In 1923, the independent Department of Graphic Arts was established, conducted by John Wojnarski in collaboration with Andrzej Jurkiewicz and Jan Rubczak. The next outstanding teachers are Ludwik Gardowski and Konrad Strzednicki. Graphics education in the Municipal School of Art Industry (Miejska Szkoła Przemysłu Artystycznego) in Cracow is headed by Witold Chomicz. Graphics education in Lvov is linked to the activity of such artists as Ludwik Tyrowicz and Maria Rużycka. Ferdynand Ruszczyc, Bonawentura Lenart introduce the study of graphics into the curriculum of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. Since 1930, Jerzy Hoppen started the graphics workshop. In the 1930s, the graphic arts established a permanent and significant position in Polish art education.
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    Złości, która się więc pokazuje w dziateczkach nie tak winien ojciec jako matka – wpływ matki na wychowanie swych dzieci w polskich drukowanych oracjach pogrzebowych XVII wieku
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Kicińska, Urszula
    In funeral orations, the fact of being a mother was underlined as the major merit of the dead. The number of children to whom she gave birth and whom she raised were mentioned with pride. So the motherhood constituted the main mission of the woman. Not only nursing children, but also forming their character and mind belonged to the responsibilities of women. A good mother, according to preachers, was supposed to be pious, sensible and hard-working. The Old Polish education ideal, in spite of social and material differences, had more than a class character. It concerned mainly girls, because they rarely expressed their opinion about their education and in less detail. It is possible to distinguish two types of educating women. The first one was called “conservative” and was supposed to prepare young girls for their future role of the wife, the mother and the housewife. The second was known as “progressive” as it recognized the equal status of the man and the woman and therefore she could develop intellectually. The daughters of magnates and rich gentry received their education in aristocratic manor houses or at convent schools, whereas poorer girls had to be satisfied with home upbringing. Nevertheless, irrespective of the place in which the girl received her education, she was prepared for her main practical role of the wife, the mother and the housewife.
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    Zabawy dzieci ziemiańskich w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku wieku XX w świetle pamiętnikarstwa
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Nawrot-Borowska, Monika
    Abstract. Games of landowning children in the in the second half of XIXth and at the beginning of XXth century in the light of the memories The aim of this article is to show the playground of children from landowning families during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. An attempt was made to present the playgrounds of wealthy children, their characteristics, space, and also to determine the place and role of play in the lives of children of landowners. The types of games for children, both boys and girls have been presented. Also children’s toys were made the subject of research. The conclusions presented have been based entirely on the analyses of diaries, memoirs and biographies of the representatives of landowning class.
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    Problemy wychowawcze w szkołach bazyliańskich w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku na przykładzie kolegium w Buczaczu
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Lorenz, Beata
    Abstract. Education problems in Basilian Schools in the latter half of the 18th century, with an example of the College in Buczacz The literature concerning monastic education in the 18th century omits the subject of educational and teaching activity of Saint Basil the Great Monastery or discusses it very briefly. Not much is known about functioning of those schools in the period before the Commission of National Education was founded. The educational programme and the problems connected with it, which had occurred in Basilian schools were presented on the example of the college in Buczacz, located in the southeastern part of the Republic of Poland, functioning between 1754 and 1784. The educational goals pursued in the college were not different from the ones of other monastic schools. The then educational system mostly promoted the respect for ideological and moral values, considering material values less important. In the educational process, the Basilian Monks put piety first. The misdeeds of the students of the college in Buczacz were punished according to the canon of conduct of the then youth studying in monastic schools. The canon included: getting drunk, forbidden meetings with women, thefts, scuffles with soldiers in magnates’ service and stationed in the town, as well as with Jewish people. In the latter half of the 18th century, great significance was attached to proper conduct of the students of the college and misconducts against morals were the most common reasons for expulsions.
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    A new education of women. Denis Diderot’s anatomy course project for young noble women
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Forycki, Maciej
    Abstract. A new education of women. Denis Diderot’s anatomy course project for young noble women Denis Diderot (1713–1784) explained how women’s education should be different than before. A woman should be considered a citizen, Diderot demanded placing primary social importance on her domestic activity. An interesting feature of this new approach to education of women was to include an anatomy course in their personal development. Denis Diderot did not devote a separate tractate to the issue of women’s education, nor did he write a concise curriculum in anatomy. However, the remarks scattered among various texts by the philosopher concerning that innovative concept allow us not only to reconstruct a fairly cohesive draft of an anatomy course for girls, but also superbly illustrate Diderot’s commitment to realization of his own ideas. Secondly, we need to consider the activities of one Ms. Biheron – the organizer of public anatomy courses – which exerted, as we will see, a huge influence on Diderot’s conviction of the need to incorporate such courses in women’s education. In the last part of the discourse, the involvement of the French philosopher in the educational reforms of Catherine II should be noted. The analysis of Diderot’s texts on education clearly indicates that the philosopher put a strong emphasis on changes in the methods of teaching women. As the director of St. Petersburg facility for girls he managed to partially put his project into effect. Of course, for French philosophers – blind to Russian realities – the unquestionable success of Diderot’s anatomy course might be another argument for the proclamation of the view that Catherine II realized in her country the postulates of the Enlightenment.
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    Retoryka i historia w służbie wychowania w Polsce na podstawie analizy skryptu wykładów retoryki w Kolegium Jezuitów w Poznaniu z 1679 roku
    (Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk we współpracy z Zakładem Historii Wychowania, WSE UAM, 2013) Nowicki, Michał
    Abstract. Rhetoric and History in the service of education in Poland on the basis of the script of rhetoric lectures at the College of the Jesuits in Poznan from 1679 The most important subject of the Old-Polish educational system was rhetoric, having roots in the tradition of the Ancient Rome. This statement is very important because of the fact of the orator’s moral and patriotic duties. Owing to this, the lessons’ focus was not only on technical aspects of rhetoric education but also on morality, religion and political knowledge. The article is divided into two main parts. First of them is describing the role of the rhetorical education and the evolution of the connection between rhetoric and history which existed from the 1st century A.D. until the first decades of the 18th century, when history started separating from rhetoric. The second part shows the historical education in practice on the example of the Jesuit College in Poznań. The analysis of this topic was based on the script of rhetoric lectures given in Poznań in 1679. With regard to this manuscript, it could be said that the most important aim of historical education was the patriotic and civil upbringing of the pupils, so that they could participate in political and cultural reality. The history taught in the College in Poznań was mainly connected with Poland and was rather practical.