Drukowana makulatura introligatorska ze staropolskich ksiąg miejskich z zasobu Archiwum Państwowego w Poznaniu

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Printed waste paper in Old Polish municipal records in the State Archive in Poznań


The text presents the results of a search of Old Polish municipal and guild records from the State Archives in Poznan, aimed at describing printed waste paper used for binding books. More than 900 units were reviewed, mostly from the 15th and 16th centuries, and as a result, 18 archival units containing fragments of 17 prints in the bindings were recognized (1 incunabula, 7 16th-century editions, 4 17th-century editions and 5 from the 18th century). The identified fragments were presented as a group: their provenance and subject matter were indicated. The problem of bookbinding workshops where books from smaller cities in particular were bound was discussed. It was pointed out that the printed fragments found in book bindings, despite the small sample, are a reflection of both the bookbinding and bookbinding market of Greater Poland. An attempt was made to determine the reasons for the use of printed waste paper for bookbinding purposes. The text distinguishes between the basic reasons for dedicating printed matter to waste paper (proofing, proofreading, defective, unsold prints). Then the most interesting identified finds are discussed. These include: Directorium Gnesnense (Nürnberg: G. Stuchs, ca. 1500-1502), the so-called Schützenbrief (Augsburg: E. Ratdolt, ante 4 XII 1508); Calendar in Polish for 1554 (Cracow: M. Szarfenberg’s Heirs, 1553), Gross-Polnischer Historien-Wirtschaft-Arzney und Schreibkalender auf das Jahr 1778 (Leszno: S.G Presser Starszy, 1777). An integral part of the text are Annexes A and B: the first, which is a complete catalog of the prints found, and the second, which contains a concordance, allowing one to quickly check which cities and specific books they came from.




printed waste paper proofs, incunabula, early printed books, municipal records, Schützenbrief, calender, bindings, fragmentology


Kozak, A., Łukaszewski, J., Drukowana makulatura introligatorska ze staropolskich ksiąg miejskich z zasobu Archiwum Państwowego w Poznaniu. W: Pisarze i księgi miejskie z Królestwa Polskiego doby jagiellońskiej. Studia i materiały. Pod red.: Z. Nogi i B. Drzewieckiego. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2024, s. 27-53.




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