Książki/rozdziały (WHis)


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    Fragmenty księgozbioru Abrahama Zbąskiego (Sbąskiego) herbu Nałęcz (1531-1578)
    (Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich - Wydawnictwo, 2020) Łukaszewski, Jakub; Sidorowicz-Mulak, Dorota; Franczyk-Cegła, Agnieszka
    Abstract: The article focuses on two issues. In the beginning, the figure of Abraham Zbąski (Sbąski) of the coat of arm of Nałęcz (1531-1578), a Renaissance erudite and traveler, is presented. The following part of the text focuses on the presentation of a fragment of his book collection. On the basis of old prints found in the collections of the University Library in Poznań and the Library of the Higher Theological Seminary in Włocławek (6 volumes, containing eight works), its content, traces of reading, ownership marks and external appearance of the volumes were described. The circumstances of the dispersal of this book collection were also discussed. The text is accompanied by an Annex with a detailed bibliographic description of each of the found works.
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    Zaginiony i odnaleziony - piętnastowieczny rękopis z dziełami Pseudo-Augustyna i Pseudo-Chryzostoma z Biblioteki Katedralnej w Gnieźnie
    (Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie, 2015) Łukaszewski, Jakub; Sawicki, Tomasz
    Summary: The article concerns, found during the inventory of the Complex of Cathedral Library in the Archives of the Archdiocese of Gniezno, fifteenth-century volume, consisting of co-binded incunabulum and paper manuscript. It is, as previously thought, lost code of former signature of MS 20, which was a part of the Complex of Seminary of Cathedral Library of Gniezno. In the article, the monument was described in terms of codecological, paleographical, its content was identified, and provenance was specified. The parts of parchment diplomas, used to reinforce the book block, indicate that the binding of the code may be the work of local (Wielkopolska) bookbinding workshop. Preserved in the pages of the manuscript distinctive watermark and a letter (Gothic cursive) indicate that the code was written in 70s. of the fifteenth century. The volume consists of incunabula (Johannes de Turrecremata, Expositio super toto psalterio, Strasburg, Typographus Legendae Aureae, 29 April 1482, 2°), and the manuscript of the four treaties of Pseudo-Augustine of Hippo and a part of the work of Pseudo-John Chrysostom. The monument originally belonged to the library of the Dominican monastery in Poznań. It was provided to Gniezno in the nineteenth century, after dissolution of the monastery. Currently, the rediscovered code receives MS 1020 signature.
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    Fragmenty Kota ze Lwem Mikołaja Reja i innych druków z XVI w. odnalezione
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne", 2016) Łukaszewski, Jakub; Wydra, Wiesław
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego