Wizualizacja w kształceniu nauczycieli
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
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In the book an attempt at describing theoretical bases and application of iconic representations
in teacher education has been undertaken. The author has been directed by
a need of practical reorientation of teacher education towards increasing number of
these situations in which a student participates actively in creating his or her pedagogical
knowledge through intellectual operations in reality.
The author was inspired by such organization of educational process in which teacher
candidate has a possibility to get to know himself or herself as an author of professional
activities and he or she has an opportunity to practise initially in “safe” conditions. These
assumptions have directed the author’s attention towards bringing closer pedagogical
reality to students by its visualisations i.e. by means of iconic representations. An attractive
and relevant vehicle for these representations is video technology.
On the basis of theoretical analysis referred to a process of perception and visual memory,
the educational usefulness of an iconic representation in teacher education has
been confirmed. The author particularly adduced Obuchowski’s hypothesis about
creative codes as support for his approach using visualisation in teacher education. It has
been acknowledged that Obuchowki’s theory has helped to explain the role of visual representations
in activating the previous structure of knowledge (common-sense knowledge),
especially of those anchored in creative codes. This role consists in direct communication
between iconic representations and those structures of knowledge which
have been already recorded in learners’ minds in creative codes.
This activating of the structures recorded in learners’ minds in creative codes, allows
to name those structures, to order them and to reflect on them critically as well. The
process of activating the learners’ previous structures allows the learners to refer those
activated structures to the oncoming information. The assumptions justifying the use of
the iconic representations are linked with the iconic dimensions pedagogical reality can
be described on. Therefore this relation supports very strongly the use of visual-iconic
code to help students to understand pedagogical reality. Four main functions were verified
which iconic representations perform in teacher education, i.e. inspiration, self-confrontation,
demonstration (presentation), and simulation.
A trigger video plays very important role as an inspiring instrument. It has been empirically
approved that the trigger video can be found as an instrument for searching and
analysing teacher candidates’ pedagogical attitudes and skills. First of all those representations
(there are very short and emotionally activating videos) facilitate verbalising students’ personal pedagogical theories (previous pedagogical knowledge they already
have they start to be teacher candidates). Placing an observer in a situation with the task
to be resolved presented on a video and demanding his or her immediate reaction, promotes
discovering individual pedagogical preferences according to the event observed
on the video. Observers are used to react spontaneously and consistently with their previous
personal knowledge and experience. Under several conditions the trigger video
may be successful in searching previous subject’s pedagogical experience. The research
confirmed that that power of a given representation (i.e. video) to discriminate subjects’
reactions according to previous different experience is subjectively conditioned. It means
that the representation should create a dilemma to the subject (observer) to assess what
he or she sees on the film or what to do in referring to actions on that film. If the content,
task or problem is far from subject’s level of experience, she or he can not see any point
to start to act from.
funkcje szkoły, wizualizacja, kształcenie nauczycieli, wiedza pedagogiczna, wideodrama, wiedza potoczna, symulacja, multimedia
Dylak Stanisław, Wizualizacja w kształceniu nauczycieli, 1995, s. 232.