Problemy diagnostyczne dzieci z płodowym zespołem alkoholowym (FAS)-możliwości wykorzystania testu WISC-R w diagnozie różnicowej
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Difftculties in Diagnosing Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) - usefulness of WISC-R Test in Differential Diagnosis
Celem tej pracy jest określenie wartości diagnostycznej baterii WISC-R do diagnozy dzieci z FASD.W badaniach wykorzystano baterie: WISC-R,RHLB-PL i test fluencji słownej. Ponadto w celu oceny uszkodzeń OUN zastosowano spektroskopię MR. W badaniach wzięło udział 124 dzieci po prenatalnej ekspozycji na alkohol i 52 dzieci z grupy kontrolnej. Dodatkowo dla potrzeby analizy podzielono grupę badawczą na podgrupy FAS, pFAS i ARND na podstawie liczby dysmorfii pierwszorzędowych. Grupę kontrolną stanowiły dzieci bez ekspozycji na alkohol. Dzieci z FASD osiągnęły gorsze wyniki w testach psychologicznych. Analiza wyników baterii WISC-R nie wykazała specyfiki FASD. Analiza wyników baterii RHLB-PL i testu fluencji słownej ukazuje słabsze od dzieci z grupy kontrolnej funkcjonowanie poznawcze dzieci z FASD. Zastosowanie analizy kowariancji wyników IQ, wieku i FASD dla wyników baterii RHLB-PL i testu fluencji słownej pozwoliło wyłonić grupę wskaźników charakterystycznych dla FASD. Nie wykazano związku wystąpienia uszkodzeń OUN stwierdzonych na podstawie badań MR i HMRS z wynikami testów psychologicznych.
The purpose of the dissertation was to identify diagnostic value of WISC-R battery for diagnosing children with FASD. Measurements were carried out using WISC-R and RHLB-PL batteries, as well as verbal fluency test. Additionally, assessment of CNS damage was performed by means of MR spectroscopy. Participants of the study included 124 children prenatally exposed to alcohol and 52 controls. The study group was further divided into subgroups: FAS, pFAS and ARND, based on the number of primary dysmorphies. The control group consisted of children without known prenatal exposition to alcohol. Children with FASD had lower scores in psychological tests. Analysis of WISC-R results did not show specificity of FASD. Analysis of scores obtained in RHLB-PL and verbal fluency test showed lower cognitive performance of children with FASD in comparison with the controls. Analysis of covariance taking into account subjects' IQ, age and FASD for scores in RHLB-PL and verbal fluency test made it possible to identify a group of indicators characteristic for FASD. No relationship was found between CNS damage determined by means of MR and HMRS exam and the results in psychological tests.
The purpose of the dissertation was to identify diagnostic value of WISC-R battery for diagnosing children with FASD. Measurements were carried out using WISC-R and RHLB-PL batteries, as well as verbal fluency test. Additionally, assessment of CNS damage was performed by means of MR spectroscopy. Participants of the study included 124 children prenatally exposed to alcohol and 52 controls. The study group was further divided into subgroups: FAS, pFAS and ARND, based on the number of primary dysmorphies. The control group consisted of children without known prenatal exposition to alcohol. Children with FASD had lower scores in psychological tests. Analysis of WISC-R results did not show specificity of FASD. Analysis of scores obtained in RHLB-PL and verbal fluency test showed lower cognitive performance of children with FASD in comparison with the controls. Analysis of covariance taking into account subjects' IQ, age and FASD for scores in RHLB-PL and verbal fluency test made it possible to identify a group of indicators characteristic for FASD. No relationship was found between CNS damage determined by means of MR and HMRS exam and the results in psychological tests.
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Psychologii UAM
alkoholowy zespół płodowy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FASD, WISC-R, RHLB-PL, spektroskopia protonowa HMRS, Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy HMRS