Studenci a polityka. Badanie komponentu emocjonalnego postaw

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM

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Students and politics. The research of emotional attitudes component


The liberal democracy assumes that the most crucial factor of system legitimization, the issue of common political participation, especially electoral activity. Realizing this goal is possible through creating the attitudes of participation, mostly among the generation starting the adult life. One of the goals realized on various stages of educational teaching programs is increasing social and political engagement of teenagers, creating citizenship attitude and as a result increasing active participation of the youth in politics. Creating emotional side of the attitude- not only in relations to the politics- is far easier than cognitive or behavioral component. In the subject literature the impact of emotions on creating the attitudes is widely described. In the object literature the role of emotions in creating the attitudes (also political ones) is widely described. Positive emotions in many cases are the conditions for certain behaviours towards attitude objects. It might be assumed that positive feeling about politics and political institutions will result in greater effectiveness in the sphere of political society. This thesis analyses the conditions of students attitudes towards politics and dependencies between experienced emotions and the issues including political engagement, citizenship attitude, nationalistic attitude. The thesis shows mutual changes between them. The question which has been also analyzed is the issue of political socialization subjects in creating positive feelings about politics. The results of the analyses performed showed dominating role of media in creating emotional attitudes towards politics as not traditional socialization agendas such as family, school or church. The results obtained present also what personal and sociodemographic features of the questioned are linked to their positive emotions in the researched area. The most crucial personal property appeared to be optimism, while sociodemographic variable is parents education




political attitudes, political socialization, students


Studia Edukacyjne, nr 27, 2013, s. 325-335







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