Kształtowanie cen detalicznych w Polsce Ludowej

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Retail price ruling in the People's Poland


The article presents basic principles of price shaping in the period from the end of the World War Two to 1983, as well as its dynamics attempting to relate it to changes in industrial and agricultural production. Presented actions undertaken in that sphere in the fourty years of the People's Poland indicate that the same economic problems to solve were appearing in individual years irregularly, but cyclically. These were first of all: lack of market equilibrium, higher incomes of the population than market supplies, improper price relations in food and non-food stuffs and high budgetary subsidies to the retail prices. In this situation almost all concepts and implemented price reforms aimed at elimination of those difficulties. Yet, the effects were not long lasting and ineffective in the long run. It was fallacious to treat price as the last resort to improve and regulate functioning of economy, meanwhile, as it is easy to prove, functioning system of prices has a secondary character in relation to functioning economic system, that is only healthy economy which gives shape to the efficient price mechanism. A study of price levels and relations in the examined period proves a gradual (from the sixties on) departure of prices from any relations and economic grounds. Stabilization of foodstuffs prices, effecting increasing budgetary subsidies was accompanied by an irrational growth of non-alimentary products. Both agricultural and industrial production, initially tending to stabilize declined gradually. In that situation it is necessary to return to prices their role of important economic instrument. The authors attempted to prove however, that although indispensable, it is hardly a sufficient intervention to revive the economy.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 46, 1984, z. 4, s. 39-58






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