The Oldest Translations of Biblical Texts into Kashubian

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Wydział Teologiczny UAM

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Najstarsze tłumaczenia tekstów biblijnych na język kaszubski


This paper discusses translations o f biblical passages into Kashubian which originated in Evangelical circles between the 16lh and 19th centuries. Although the tradition o f translation dates back to the 16th century, translation o f the entire Bible, or at least one complete biblical book, which would have originated in this particular environment has not been preserved. Presumably it never existed. The oldest translations o f biblical texts into Kashubian were generally based on the German language. The first printed book with texts in Kashubian included, among others, eleven works defined as Psalms and a range o f short passages originating both from the Old Testament and the New Testament. This very book was the Simon Krofey’s Hymnal published in Gdańsk in 1586. Translation o f The Small Catechism o f Martin Luther came out approximately half a century later, and similarly to the Krofey’s Hymnal it included many biblical passages. However, the biggest collection o f biblical texts which has survived is dated for the turn o f the 17th and 18* centuries. These texts are found in the so-called Smoldzinian Perikopes, containing lessons and Gospels for all Sundays and church holidays. Many smaller passages o f the older translation o f biblical texts represent only occasional translations o f biblical passages incorporated in other religious texts. The first intended and methodical translation o f texts from the Sacred Scripture into Kashubian was the collection o f so-called Smoldzinian Perikopes. Research conducted on these translations allows to conclude that although authors o f these translations did not translate from original texts, but in most cases from the German language, their translations o f the Bible are characterised by a high degree of faithfulness to the thought o f original texts. Moreover, accuracy and efforts to make the texts comprehensible and literary beautiful grant their authors the best testimony.




Bible, translations, Kashubian, Smoldzinian Perikopes


Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, T. 22, 2008, s. 55-65






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