Powołania zakonne w Polsce (analiza socjologiczna)

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Vocations for the ministry in Poland (the sociological analysis)


Researchers of the „religious life'' prove that vocations for the ministry and religiousness of groups and religious communities are closely interrelated. Vocations for the ministry — monastic and priesthood — are conditioned in their growth and development by the level of religiousness, spirituality and morality of a defined socio-religious community (e.g. family, parish). In turn, a proper number of evoked and realized (or systematically realized) vocations for the ministry is considered to be an "indicator" of the religious vitality of that community. The researchers are also in agreement that the said vocations are evoked only in communities of the faithful. There are only rare cases (0.05% in Poland) when the (monastic vocations appear and grow in the atheist) family or indifferent (group). The system of upbringing and a personal example in the scope of socializing and life in the religious spirit charakteristic for the family of believers is decisive in that aspect. In the light of the researchers opinion, monastic vocations are manifesting a level of religious vitality and piety of a given religious community to much higher degree than diocese priesthood vocations. The present work is devoted to the monastic vocations in Poland in the years 1936 -1983, their numbers, formational differentiation, state specificity and determinants of growth and development. The sociological analysis is supplemented by the statistic data presenting aspects of monastic life. The quoted date can be summed up, that the monastic vocations increased in Poland over time by 30% and the growth tendencies increased in the years 1978 - 83, years of the present John Paul II pontificate.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 1, s. 279-300






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