»Kto znał – niech wspomni«. O prywatnych nekrologach w czeskiej, słowackiej i polskiej prasie
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Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO
Title alternative
»Who knew – mention«. About private obituaries in the Czech, Slovak and Polish press
The subject of interest was made obituaries on the anniversary of the deceased’s
death announced by his relatives. The aim was to determine the structure of this
funeral genre, describe the linguistic means used and provide typical features. Differences
and similarities were indicated on the basis of comparative studies. The
analysis included private anniversary obituaries included in the Czech, Slovak and
Polish local press, which were published from 01/08/2017 to 31/12/2017. Solid components
were created forming the structure of the studied texts: date of death anniversary;
identification data of the deceased; memory; signature of the sender. The most
distinguished are Polish obituaries, because they are the only ones that are not only
a memory of a loved one’s death, but above all they announce a holy mass for the
deceased or invite for a common prayer, which is confirmed by the deeply rooted
tradition and influence of Christianity on Polish culture. On the other hand, Czech and
Slovak obituaries have the most common features, which, apart from minor differences,
are identical. It was found that the texts studied have a stereotypical construction,
often reproduced diagrams and a formulic language shape. The isolated and the
most important part is devoted to the deceased, who is shown from the point of view
of the mourners and the feelings they have, while the final formulas differentiate the
obituaries within the studied languages. Studies have confirmed that the expression of
remembrance of the deceased on the anniversary of his death is a customary behavior
in Western Slavic cultures.
obituary, funeral genres, Czech language, Polish language, Slovak language
Bohemistyka 2018, nr 3, s. 259-274.