Socjologia socjologii

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Sociology of Sociology


The article deals with the problem of sociological investigation of the science of society. It postulates — as do some other sociological publications — the creation of the new sociological subdivision: the sociology of sociology. The present work gives a review of past attempts to think sociologically of sociology; it gives a critical analysis of the existing literature on the subject. The sociology of sociology falls into the broad scope of sociology of science, which again — according to Morton — is but a paart of the sociology of knowledge. All these sociological subdivisions have at the core the idea that human thought can be understood only if it is related to social existence, an idea — to be sure — of Marxist origin. After dealing briefly with the main contributions to the sociology of knowledge (Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Mannheim) and sociology of science (Morton, Barber),, the author turns to the main subject of his article. Sociology of sociology is still rather 'a point of view than the full-honored sociological subdiscipline. Sociology as a science is a specific form of social self-knowledge. We can distinguish two stages in its development: the 'precritical' phase, devoid of the consciousness of the social conditionning of the science of society (Mannheim's false consciousness'), and the 'critical' phase, characterized by the awareness of all factors which determine the development of sociology as a science and the social status and social role of sociologists as a group, as well as influence the conceptual framework and research methods of the science off society. Having examined the literaturę on the subject — explicitly off implicitly dealing with problems connected therewith — the author characterized the situation as follows: As predecessors can be considered: T. Veblen, F. Znaniecki, L. Wilson, R. S. Lynd, P. F. Lazarsffeld and W. Thielens, Jr. Of course, With some reservations. Their works fall into the broader field off sociology of science. F. Adler Was first — as far as one can judge — in using the term sociology of sociology', nota bene in form of a statement that 'a sociology of sociology, strictly speaking, is non existent'. C. W. Page postulates the construction of sociology of sociology and makes a substantial contribution to it analysing its place and role as a teaching institution. R. Aron, summing up the experiences of various countries, presented in national papers, formulates the thesis on the interrelation between the development of sociology and the stage of industrializaition (modernization) of society. C. W. Mills does not seek a social explanation for the lack of sociological imagination among some American sociologists. But he is fully alware off the social background of sociology and of its influence on the sociological craftsmanship. In his work therefore — which is not a conscious attempt in the field off sociology of sociology — there are many observations off great value for this division off sociology. The number of publication on the subject is now growing almost every year. The sociology of sociology, investigating the social context of the scientific research on society, is not free itself from the influence of the social conditions. There is recently, on the one hand, the mouting pressure of social demands on sociology, a hope, that sociology will enable the national social planning and improve the forms of siocial life. On the other hand, the sociologists themselves are aware of the fact that the prospective development of their discipline, that is the evolution of an empirically verifiable sociological theory and in this way the possibility to shape the social life — depends upon the sociological reflection on the science of society. If sociology is to fulfill the hopes attached to it, it has to reach the higher level of methodological maturity, which is equivalent to a sociology of sociology.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016




Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 38, 1976, z. 1, s. 143-154






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