Uwarunkowania wyposażenia i zapotrzebowania gospodarstw chłopskich na dobra trwałe konsumpcyjne oraz ich znaczenie w motywacji produkcji
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Determinants of equipment and demand of private farms for consumer durables and their significance in motivation of production
It is a fragment of wider studies concerning adaptation processes of private
farms in conditions of the centrally planned economy in economics of shortage. The
studies were conducted by means of a questionnaire interview among 965 farms in
three regions of Poland characterized with different levels of agricultural production
development. The sample was drawn from each one of the eight farm-size
brackets separately in particular microregions.
There were taken into account interrelationships between the equipment and
demand for 12 durable consumer goods approached in terms of the number of
possessed durable goods and separately in terms of value expressed synthetically,
on the one hand, and 24 variables, on the other hand. The questionnaires were also
to provide information about the place of dwelling (region and village), demographic
structure of the family, characteristics of a farm, its connections with the
market, and propensity of the farmer to expand production. 21 of the variables
revealed a very highly significant statistical correlation with the analyzed phenomena
and one variable a highly significant correlation. Apart from the significance level there were applied statistical tests in the form
of corrected C. Pearson's coefficient and variance ratio test F.
The studies indicate, among others, that equipment of farms with consumer
durables and possibilities of satisfying demand for these goods constitute a significant
motivation for production. The size and equipment of a farm with production
factors, its self-dependence and propensity to expand production are interrelated
with its equipment with consumer durables and with its demand. Differences
among farms with regard to their equipment with these goods tend to grow.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 3, s. 253-269