Kryteria podziału rezerw zdolności produkcyjnych w przemyśle
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Criteria of the Division of Reserves of the Productive Ability in Industry
The calculation of the optimalization of the exploitation of the productive
ability can not be limited only to the determination of the total size of the reserves
that appear in the examined element of production. For the size of these reserves
is influenced by different factors and the accepted qualification of productive
ability. In the paper it was accepted that the productive ability expresses the
maximization of production taking into account optimum and not maximum of
the conditions of production. The ability calculated on such a basis establishes
a model based on real but not in every case workable factors in the realization.
These factors are differentiated with appropriateness to the object for which the
examination is done. The strength of action of individual factors and the possibility
of quantifying and liquidating them are variable. Assuming what has been
said about the notions and factors the reserves of productive ability do not have
a homogeneous character.
In the paper there were individualized some criteria of the classification of
reserves. These criteria were connected with: — dynamic character of the productive
ability calculated of the basis of optimal use of all the factors determining it in
a unit of time;
— two basic elements of the model of calculation of the productive ability
namely the technical standard of the efficiency of work and the effective time
of work;
— suitableness of the prevalence of reserves;
— analysing the use of productive ability at the level: productive ability —
planned production — executed production.
The criteria mentioned above allow to make acquaintance of the structure of
reserves and they should have a great influence on better knowledge of the essence
of ability and reserves of production and on the effectiveness of the economic enterprises.
Especially they ought to make easier the planning and the realization of the
organizational and technical enterprises directed towards rational delivering the
reserves and stimulating the production.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 31, 1969, z. 3, s. 213-223