Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych u progu XXI wieku
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
The United Nations Organization on the verge of the XXI century
The article discusses critical opinions addressed at present to the UNO by the
States and scholars. It was already during the San Francisco conference that the
States raised objections to the adopted solutions. After 43 years of its existence, the
UNO is still far from fulfilling the hopes which were fostered at the time of its
The causes of shortcomings may be found in structural and managerial deficiencies.
The complexity of the UNO structure influences the dissipation of efforts
and makes the coordination more difficult. The waste of means on countless
programmes, sub-programmes and projects has often been subject to criticism.
The efforts to increase efficiency through establishing organs which were to improve
the system failed (eg. Administrative Commitee on Co-ordination, Commitee on Programme and Co-ordination, Joint Inspection Unit). However, those organs
helped to record and disclose shortcoming and their sources by way of Publishing
critical reports.
Managerial problems consist mostly in difficulties with poor professional qualifications
of the UNO staff. The view that the professional level decreases constantly
is shared by 69% of diplomats employed in the UNO-affiliated missions.
Critical opinions are voiced also with respect to the unreality of projects,
declarativity and mere talk present in the UN system. Particular organizations
established on regional and political grounds, the number of which grows constantly
and at present is close to 330, are far more efficient. The UNO documents
indicate that the member-States most often call for the amendments of provisions
on the Security Council, and in the first place on its composition and voting
The author shares the view that multiplying agencies and organs, or abortive
attempts to limit the role of superpowers in the Security Council will not bring
adequate effects. Little efficiency of the UNO in maintaining the world peace
may be eliminated not through a direct structure reform of the system but indirectly
through activities aimed at improving the economic situation of the
South. The UNO should work out a worldwide welfare programme which would
influence indirectly the consolidation of the world peace through increasing the
economic level of conflict-generating regions. Such a programme would have to
adopt a system of preferences, for the existing free-market rules the disproportions
between the North and the South.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 50, 1988, z. 3, s. 15-32