Problemy wyodrębnienia działalności gospodarczej władz terenowych

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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The problems of the economic activity of local authorities: gaining autonomy


The authors point out to the spread of local economy in Poland after the abolition in 1950 of territorial self-goverment whose functions were taken over by local organs of state administration, as wellas to the changing range of that economy after 1950 when it became one of the branches of centrally administered state economy. In other words, the property approach to the autonomy of local economy was replaced by the organizational one connected with the participation of local economy in a given branch of national economy. At the same time local economy was subordinated both to local and central authorities; the delimitation of the competences of local authorities and branch ministeries in managing local economy often led to considerable difficulties in practice. The authors concentrate their attention on the range of branch affiliation of enterprises belonging to local economy and on the methods of management applied by local authorities in conditions of the economic reform carried out since 1981. Because the above reform introduced some elements of self-goverment in the functioning of local authorities, the self-dependence of those authorities in managing local economy has also been taken into account. The article includes also the remarks on the submission of small industry subordinated to local authorities to market regulation. The authors indicate that in practice it proved to be easier to increase the self-dependence of such enterprises than to increase the efficiency of economic influence exerted on them by local authorities. To some extent, the above is the result of the failure to curtail the role of the branch ministeries in administering the activity of local authorities and enterprises. It restrains her the postulated process of restoring the autonomy of local economy within the national economy.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 3, s. 233-252






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