Matteolo Mattioli (Mattheolus Perusinus) i jego mnemotechniczny traktat „De memoria augenda” w kontekście polskim przełomu XV i XVI w.

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Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne

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"Matteolo Mattioli (Matheolus Perusinus) and His Mnemotechnic Treatise De Memoria augenda in the Polish Context of the Turn of the Sixteenth Century" The main objective of the study is to present a fifteenth-century treatise by Matteolo Mattioli (most often referred to in the literature as Matheolus Perusinus) entitled De memoria augenda in the context of the humanist culture at the turn of the sixteenth century in Poland, and the Kraków circles especially. The study introduces the author and discusses the treatise itself, something the Polish literature devoted to the subject has not done in much detail so far (to this end, we draw mainly on the works Regina Lupi, Sabine Heimann-Seelbach, Helga Hajdu and Mary Carruthers). It then discusses two editions which are strictly related to Polish culture (Leipzig 1495 and 1508 with an epigram and dedication by Andrzej Boner, brother of Jan Boner, as well as Kraków 1531 with a dedication of Jan Wiewiórka). Based on the dedication and a woodcut with the Rola coat of arms present in the book, it was possible to determine the author of the dedication as Stanisław of Łowicz, humanist, doctor of medicine and professor at Kraków University as well as establish a new date for the Kraków edition made by Florian Ungler publishing house. Mattioli’s treatise is also put in the context of two other mnemotechnical texts from the early sixteenth century – Opusculum de arte memorativa (Kraków, Kasper Hochfeder, 1504) by Jan Szklarek and Artis memorativae naturalis et artificialis, facilis et verax traditio by Laurent Fries (Strassburg, Johann Grüninger, 1523).




sztuka pamięci, humanizm, art of memory, Humanism, Medieval studies, Renaissance studies, Matheolus Perusinus, Stanisław z Łowicza, historia drukarstwa, History of printing


Rafał Wójcik, Jakub Łukaszewski, Matteolo Mattioli (Mattheolus Perusinus) i jego mnemotechniczny traktat „De memoria augenda” w kontekście polskim przełomu XV i XVI w., [w:] Co musi wiedzieć uczony edytor, nawet jeśli nie chce: prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Wiesławowi Wydrze, pod red. B. Hojdisa i K. Krzak-Weiss, Poznań 2017, s. 75-99.





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