Skuteczność środków penalnych stosowanych wobec młodocianych a typowe struktury czynników kryminogennych
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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The efficiency of penal measures applied to young adult offenders and typical structures of crime generating factors
The article is based on the study conducted in years 1979 - 85 on the group of
207 young adult offenders tried in Poznań District Court. The purpose of the study
Was to perform a synthesizing evaluation of efficiency of particular penal measures..
The basis of the evaluation is an attempt to grasp the connections and dependencies
between typical crime generating factors (exo- and endogenic) — grouped
in 11 structures and forming sets characterized by different degrees of cumulation
— and the offenders' subsequent lines of conduct, determined by the levels of
their recidivism, and to determine the influence of measures applied by the
courts on the above dependencies.
No connnection was found between the degree of cumulation of crime generating
factors and severity of the measure. The penalty of deprivation of liberty
was in cases of greater cumulation of crime generating factors even less frequent
than in variants with weak cumulation of these factors. It indicates that Art. 51
of Criminal Code is not always applied. (i.e. the exposition of educational aims
of proceedings concerning the young adult offenders).
The highest percentage of recidivism occurs after the penalty of deprivation
of liberty (39,3%), somewhat lower after the conditional suspension of the execution
of such penalty (32,6%), small after the penalty of restricted liberty (6,4%);
there is no recidivism after autonomous fine and after educational and corrective
The relation between the recidivism and the lack of stabilization (i.e. the situation
when the offender does not relapse into crime but nevertheless does not stabilize
his situation through e.g. taking a job) is statistically significant (p<0,001)
with correlation coefficient v = 0,411. The above result indicates the lack of efficiency
of applied penal measures and suggests the need of changes in the policy of
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 2, s. 111-121