Ceny usług w warunkach nierównowagi rynkowej

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Prices of Services in the Conditions of Market Disequilibrium


Two stages of disequilibrium can be specified in the market of services. The first on had lasted until 1980, the second one has begun in 1981. In the first stage, prices of services were of no importance as a parameter for decision making in service enterprises, they had also no influence on the market equilibrium. The second stage was opened with a reform of small manufacture. Official, regulated and conctract prices are used in services as well as in the whole economy. The official and regulated prices are still based on a costly method of price fixing, although it became more effective. On this account the entire halting of inflational processes is not guaranteed by them. The contract prices are based on a criterion of supply and demand equilibrium, yet in the conditions of the market unbalance they are likely to foster it. The system of business and income taxation is an additional negative element to be considered along with the question of prices. Upon the critique of the present system the author offers a new type of price called the modified socialist price of production. This price should include the following: direct cost of the service, marigin of indirect costs, profit and of enterprise taxation in a form of interest on assets and on a wage fund calculated according to the rates set for the respective branches of service trade. The service prices calculated on the basis of that method would be initial ones which could increase to the equilibrium prices depending on the market situation. The difference between the initial and equilibrium price would be taxed at a progressive rate for the benefit of the budget. Therefore producers would be interested in the decrease of production costs and not in advancing market prices.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 44, 1982, z. 4, s. 195-209






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