Zawodówka (nie) jest OK? Szkoły zawodowe (branżowe) w opiniach uczniów a wybory edukacyjno-zawodowe w odniesieniu do sytuacji na rynku pracy
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
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The proposed text is an illustration of selected conclusions from a four-module research project conducted in
one of the Wielkopolska counties. The aim of the empirical verification was to: make the educational and professional characteristics of the junior high school plans, get
acquainted with the opinions of the employers on the situation in the local labor market, get acquainted with the
plans connected with the employment of employees, get
acquainted with the preparation of graduates of particular types of schools to meet the opinion of the directors
of post-gymnasium schools on the state of the vocational
education and to get acquainted with the opinions of the
students of the upper secondary school classes on the situation on the labor market, the offer of vocational education and the self-assessment of preparation to enter the labor market. The research was conducted in the first quarter
of 2016 and 2017, by the diagnostic survey method. The
article is based on one of the study modules – a study of
middle school students that was conducted in 2016 – the
findings from the 2017 study will be cited in some places for comparative purposes only. Due to the specificity of
the research topic, the selection of the research sample
was random. High school students (N = 486 in 2016
and N = 490 in 2017), upper secondary school students
(N = 503 – 2016 and N = 498 – 2017), upper secondary school graduates (N = 6 in 2016 and 2017 ) and the
largest employers (N = 78 in 2016, N = 102 in 2017). In
this project the diagnostic survey method was used as the
basis. The method used to analyze the contents was made
using the local traditional (printed) and internet press and
the thematic work edited by the County Labor Office in
Gniezno and other institutions.
The main topic of this paper was the educational and vocational elections of junior high school students in the context of the situation on the local labor market (which, as
it turns out, does not correspond to its needs), revealing
weaknesses in vocational counseling. Regarding the specific nature of the region, attention has also been paid to
the face (as opposed to the offer) of vocational education
(depicted in the vocational school 2017/2018) depreciated
in the eyes of the local community, which in the reality of
the local labor market seems to be a rational educational
choice without causing closure Road to higher education.
The dissertation on vocational education has been made
an additional element of publication.
młodzież, szkoła branżowa, technikum, kształcenie zawodowe
Kozielska Joanna, Zawodówka (nie) jest OK? Szkoły zawodowe (branżowe) w opiniach uczniów a wybory edukacyjno-zawodowe w odniesieniu do sytuacji na rynku pracy Kultura – Społeczeństwo – Edukacja nr 1(13) 2018, Poznań 2018, pp. 201–211, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.13.15.