System informacji o środowisku przyrodniczym w ocenie problemów sozologicznych gmin (na przykładzie gminy Komorniki)

dc.contributor.authorFagiewicz, Katarzyna
dc.description.abstractThe advancing human impact gives rise to two fundamental problems, the solution of which is a precondition for a proper socio-economic development in the future. One is the protection of man's living environment in order to conserve or restore the natural equilibrium. The other is the moulding of the natural environment understood as measures taken to achieve the intended economic goals while preserving the mentioned natural equilibrium. An indispensable tool in the management of natural resources at the local level should be comprehensive and efficient systems of information about the natural environment, making it possible to obtain, update, process, analyse, and publish spatially referenced data. It has been estimated that some 75-90% of information used in commune management is associated with location in space. The relations are similar at the level of a region. The importance of an efficient information system in pursuing a local policy based on sustainable development principles is therefore undisputable. In response to this demand, a system of environmental information has been worked out for Komorniki commune, a spectacular example of an urbanised rural unit located in the zone of strong functional-spatial links of the city of Poznań. The system rests on "GIS-4 Technical Directives. A Sozological Map of Poland at a Scale of 1:50,000", and in particular on its integral element - a database describing over 100 phenomena characterising the state of the natural environment. A sozological map - a unique cartographic document embracing a wide range of information about the natural environment - is primarily a thought-out, implemented and operational system of spatial information meeting all the characteristics of a geographic information system (GIS). Owing to the scale of the map (1 :50,000), its use as an instrument of management of natural resources is limited to the regional level (e.g. a poviat - county) because at the local (commune) level the data collected at this scale are not precise enough. As a system of information about the structure of a database defined at the regional level, however, it provides an excellent basis for developing local systems. A conception of such a database developed and adjusted to the a scale of 1:10,000 is presented in this article. The first stage in the ordering and processing (integration) of data was referring the structure of the data to the particular components of the natural environment so as to obtain information about the state of the entire environmental system. The source of data for the base was information collected directly through field mapping as well as topographic maps, a soil map, a map of forest habitat types, and data from offices and specialised institutions. They were supplemented with the results of spatial and statistical analyses performed using Maplnfo Professional program applications. Thus prepared, the system of information about the natural environment made it possible to diagnose the chief sozological problems of Komorniki commune and to present in a spatial approach the factors and processes determining the quality of life of the local community.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationBadania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 59, 2008, s. 61-75pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Naukpl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeria A - Geografia Fizyczna Tom 59;
dc.titleSystem informacji o środowisku przyrodniczym w ocenie problemów sozologicznych gmin (na przykładzie gminy Komorniki)pl_PL


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