Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, Nr 37 (2012)

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    Образ женщины в творчестве Владимира Войновича
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Zywert, Aleksandra
    This article is devoted to the issue of the evolution of how a woman is portrayed in Vladimir Voinovich’s works. In the author’s early works a woman’s portrayal was relatively poor, stereotypical and neutral; then it became more diverse and profound from the point of view of its ideological significance. A woman steps away from the man’s background and transforms herself into his equal partner in the process of creating reality.
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    Пастернак и Маяковский. История знакомства
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Zbyrowski, Zygmunt
    Both eminent Russian poets shared much, although they also differed considerably. Peers, they debuted almost simultaneously as Futurists, though their personal contacts began with a conflict within the Futuristic milieu. They were poets-urbanists, but Mayakovsky was captivated by urban civilization as well as ethical and social phenomena, while Pasternak was fascinated with municipal parks. Their acquaintanceship consisted of mutual attraction and recognition, especially for their early, pre-revolutionary works. After the revolution Mayakovsky attempted to draw Pasternak into his organizational initiatives and publication undertakings. Pasternak’s protests led to conflicts and a severance of ties. Despite the deterioration in their relations, Pasternak was deeply touched by Mayakovsky’s suicide.
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    Мемуары Анны Евдокимовны Лабзиной – документ познания нравственности русской женщины в конце XVIII века
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Waliszewska, Grażyna
    Anna Labzina, born in the eighteenth century in a gentry family, left extraordinary memoirs. Her diaries are not a testimony of time but rather reflect her very own experiences and emotions connected with her unsuccessful marriage, a decision which was made when she was thirteen years old. Her notes confirm the eighteenth-century principle of absolute dependence on one’s husband. Labzina accepts and suffers dependence meekly, but from her words the picture of a “pained soul” emanates – the only thing she can rebel against is her fate.
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    Неизвестный известный поэт. Про еврейский аспект жизни и творчества Самуила Маршака
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Rzeszewska, Dorota
    Samuil Marshak, the father of Soviet children’s literature, started his literary career as a supporter of Zionism, a movement that was particularly popular in the Russian Empire in the first decade of the 20th century. During the Stalinist era this descendant of great rabbinic families and author of the collections of poems Zionides and Palestine was forced to hide his Jewish roots. However, Jewish themes are present in Marshak’s pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary work.
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    Прошлое и современность в творчестве Ирины Ратушинской
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Rudziewicz, Irena
    Russian poet Irina Ratushinskaya’s poetic output was presented in the article by paying attention to two aspects in her creativeness. The subject of the past is connected with Polish roots, Polish subject matter, religion and faith. Elements of contemporaneousness аre found in works about constraint, persecution, the fight for democracy and freedom, and describing the lack of agreement to restrict an individual`s freedom.
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    Валентин Распутин и Григор Тютюнник: рефлексы „времени подростка”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Nariwskaja, Walentyna
    The phenomenon of “the time of teenager” in the literature is investigated in the article. The key characteristics of the teenager as a literary type and its genesis in Russian, Ukrainian and foreign literature are allocated. The existential poetics of the image of a teenager in Valentine Rasputin’s story, French Lessons, and Grygor Tiutiunnyk’s stories Death of the Gentleman and The Ovary is analyzed.
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    Проблема имени в рассказе Антона Чехова „Черный монах”
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Shubin, Roman
    The anthroponyms of two heroes, Kovrin and Pesotsky, are analyzed in Anton Chekhov’s The Black Monk. Despite the conditional landscape and philosophical discourse of the story it is possible to analyze these names from linguistic, intertextual and art-interpretative positions. Also, the precedential names enrich this research.
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    Место человека в концепции времени Михаила Осоргина
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Murawski, Antoni
    The main subject of the article is the way Mikhail Osorgin perceives the relation between man and time in his emigration novels. The category of time in Osorgin’s works cannot be considered apart from the human factor. Osorgin has always been interested in man’s role and place in the eternal stream of time.
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    „Маленький человек” в современном пространстве
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Pudowa, Tatiana
    The article analyzes the literary works of modern writers which are based on Gogol’s The Overcoat (Shinel). These stories and The Overcoat (Shinel) are united by a general theme – “the small person”. By addressing Gogol’s creativity the authors open up in what way the typical features of Gogol’s protagonist, Bashmachkin, have become true in the modern space.
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    Молитва и религиозная жестикуляция в поэзии Есенина
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Szokalski, Jerzy
    The theme of this essay is to present some religious practices in the lyric poetry of Sergei Yesenin, especially the rites of the Orthodox Church along with many accompanying manifestations of the spiritual life and all kinds of gestures (mostly very distant) associated with the sphere of human religiosity. The author stresses the autonomy of the Orthodox Church as a way of perceiving the world and the mystical communion with it. This communication takes place primarily at the level of language, and particularly at the level of body language and the gestures of the language that could (although, as emphasized, not always) express the certain intentions and feelings of a religious entity as well as quasi-ritual or ceremonial speech acts: invocations, prayers, veneration, etc., but seen in some isolation from their religious functions.
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    „Дела давно ушедших дней...” в контексте „Улицы генералов” Анатолия Гладилина
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Mianowska, Joanna
    In the article the artistic work and silhouette of a forgotten Russian emigrant, Anatoly Gladilin, are both researched. He was a representative of the third wave of Russian emigration and the author of The Street of Generals. In the so-called Soviet text the atmosphere of the 1960s, in which Anatoly Gladilin appeared as a writer, was reconstructed. Reflecting the historical and factual image of the 1960s generation, Gladilin recalls many authors who, as well as he, were forced to leave their homeland and to eat the bitter bread of exile.
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    Особенности поэтики киноромана: проблема перекодирования текста
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Maslenkowa, Natalia
    While studying a movie novel, one receives the opportunity of tracing the reverse process: the process of the “text on the screen” being turned into the “text on paper”. This seems to become even more interesting considering the fact that cinema is a synthetic art form, where the patterns which affect all the senses of perception are used to create the audio-visual image. When it comes to words, naturally, in the cinema one mostly hears them. The word is, of course, one of the most important means of transferring information, yet not the principal one. In this way literature is entirely different from cinema, as it uses only one way of transferring information (visual – if it is a paper-based book, and auditory – in case one is dealing with an audio-version). Consequently, the process of making a movie novel is connected with converting information from one form into the other. In addition, there is the question about the peculiarities of movie novel poetics considering the fact that the general contents are known to the recipient and, what is more, were perceived with the help of the other senses.
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    „А вы в конец света верите?”. Апокалипсис в современной русской литературе: пророчества индейцев в романе Дмитрия Глуховского „Сумерки"
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Szarycz, Ireneusz
    Dmitry Glukhovsky’s Sumerki (Twilight, 2007) is the story of a young Muscovite who takes up the task of decoding the prophecies of the Maya Indians and connects them with the catastrophes that plague today’s world: earthquakes in Iran, hurricanes in the USA, tsunamis in Indonesia, and drought and conflagrations in Russia. The newspaper headlines and TV news announcements look like Maya Indian prophecies. While translating the old diary of a Spanish conquistador, he becomes involved in a maelstrom of incredible events which will help him interpret the predictions and look into the future, even at the cost of his own life. Can the world be saved? This is the question that Glukhovsky already asked his readers in his previous, dark and apocalyptic science fiction novel Metro 2033 (2005) about a bleak and not-too-distant future. His novel Sumerki is more than a novel – it is rather a metaphor and a manifesto.
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    О жанровом своеобразии „Современной идиллии” Михаила Салтыкова-Щедрина
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Sokolanskij, Mark
    The article focuses on the genre of Russian satirist Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin’s book The Modern Idyll. Special attention is paid to the traditions of a cervantesian type of novel in the book, the ironic code in the title and narration, real objects of bitter political satire, a great number of literary quotations, reminiscences and so on. On the whole the novel may be qualified as a novel-pamphlet.
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    Женщины в жизни и творчестве Сергея Есенина
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Popiel-Machnicki, Wawrzyniec
    The literary criticism of Sergei Yesenin’s poetry notices what is most visible in it: a description of Russia and the native Ryazan region imbued with the religion and rural cosmogony of ancestors. His hedonistic character, which was his tendency towards alcohol consumption and a rich erotic life, was frequently emphasized. This emphasis was to decrease the importance of spirituality in his works. The present article is an attempt at describing the importance of women in Sergei Yesenin’s life and works.
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    Символы и мифы мемуаристики: „Мой лунный друг” Зинаиды Гиппиус
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Łucewicz, Ludmiła
    Ludmila Lutsevich’s article “The Symbols and Myths of the Discipline that Studies Memoirs: My Moon Friend by Zinaida Gippius” mentions the characteristic feature of the Russian emigrational discipline that studies memoirs. The feature combines the alloy of facts of real existence, objective characteristics and a realistic evaluation in combination with a fictional plot, subjective descriptions, predictions and talks. These combinations led to the creation of mythological concepts and interpretations. Based on one of Zinaida Gippius’ earliest memoirs, the author of the article studies her interpretation of Aleksandr Blok’s personality as a romantic myth about a poet.
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    О морском „voyage de noce” („На «Титанике»” Михаила Зенкевича)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kulikowa, Elena
    Yelena Kulikova’s paper “On a Sea Voyage de Noce (M. Zenkevich’s On the «Titanic»)” analyzes Mikhail Zenkevich’s poem about the demise of the famous ship against the background of Dante’s Divine Comedy. The author notes the Acmeist approach in Zenkevich’s description of the Titanic where the object crafted by the hands of a human creator becomes alive. The sea voyage de noce of the protagonists is interrupted by the destruction of the Titanic and turns into a journey through the circles of Hell, while Helène becomes a double for Beatrice and, like Dante’s heroine, saves the protagonist’s soul.
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    „Меня ждет на улице дождь” – анализ мотива дождя в творчестве Виктора Цоя
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Paulus, Jędrzej Melchior
    Viktor Tsoi and his band KINO were some of the most well-known musicians of the late 1980s in the former USSR. Their influence on Russian rock-culture has been quite large and their output started being analyzed a few years ago. One of the main themes in Tsoi’s poems and songs is rain. This work is an attempt to interpret this motif in some of Tsoi’s most important songs. The author, after his analysis, concludes that rain is always combined with some strong negative feelings, such as sadness or anger.
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    Читатель и авторская метарефлексия в „Мертвых душах” Гоголя
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kriwonos, Władisław
    The article analyzes the functions and semantics of the term of the metatext “reader” playing an important role in metanarration in Gogol’s Dead Souls. The reader whom the author addresses is not only an imagined addressee, but also the imagined character of the author’s thinking who plays the role of the reader and stabilizes a possible relation to the written product. The author is discharged if the reader can mediate between the world of creativity and the world of heroes and can express a potentially possible opinion or judgement on the written product. Reproducing the reader’s reflection expressed in a certain form concerning a subject or image means the author, as a rule, foresees and anticipates that the reader will become acquainted with what is represented now, at the moment of creation, or in the prospective future.
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    Женская правда-истина в произведениях Валентина Распутина
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012) Kompaniejec, Walerij
    The artistic characterology of Valentin Rasputin is considered from the angle of the gnosiological categories of truth. The characters are interpreted in the gender aspect. The author concentrates on stories by V. Rasputin, mainly, on the work Zhivi y pomni (Live and Remember).