Glottodidactica, Vol. 27 (1999)

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    Disparität von Attribuierungen in polnischen und deutschen Adjektiv-Substantiv-Kollokationen als Translationsproblem
    (1999) ŻMUDZKI, Jerzy
    The aim of this paper is to show what sort of translation problems appear in the adjective-substantive collocations in Polish and German. A special class of collocations is represented by lexicalised and idiomatised syntagmas. These units include characteristic attributive perspectives specified by the two languages and the two culture communities. This phenomeneon refers to conventional valuing, attributions and métaphorisations of concepts represented in substantives used. In this way collocations form and fix the cultural profiles of reality. Because of that they can be regarded as cognitive formulas which need to be reprofiled in a concrete translation process through their projection on the target language and culture. As a result of these cognitive and linguistic operations the translator identifies the convergences and divergences as determined by the language system and the text between both the two languages. He secondly constructs equivalent attributive profile of the concept transferred into the target text, thus guaranteeing the reciprocity of perspectives between both of the texts. The essay classifies the cases and types of disparities between Polish and German adjeck-tive-substantive collocations, showing how they can be reprofiled according to linguistic and cultural requirements of the target text. This class of translation problems is only a subfield of the larger domain, but the main mechanism of the important translation transfer can be already demonstrated and exemplified basing on these specific translation units.
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    Apprentissage semi-autonome: Résultats d’une expérience de tutorat
    (1999) WILCZYŃSKA, Weronika
    The contribution reports some results from a study on the semi-autonomous learning of French as a foreign language by a dozen of first-year university students (intermediate level). It focuses on the evolution those students, identified as « poor learners », underwent as far as their views, attitudes and strategies in FL learning were concerned - as an effect of them being helped and advised by their much more advanced colleagues (4th year). By the end of this period the 1st year students showed a clear change in all these respects, even though adapting more adequate strategies proved slower to appear than changes in views and attitudes. At the same time, the experience proved to be most fruitful to their tutors in acquainting them with action research methodology.
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    Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung in Finnland
    Translator education in Finland has been on university level since 1980. There are four Schools of Translation belonging to the University of Helsinki (Kouvola), University of Joensuu (Savonlinna), University of Tampere and University of Turku. Students have to study appr. 5 years to get the degree of Master of Arts. They usually study at least two languages - they can choose between English, Russian, German, Swedish or French as their main subject, and there is the choice between several other languages or special subjects (like: language of law, commerce, intercultural communication etc.) as a second or third subject. Finnish translators get jobs in the EU, the business sector or administration.
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    Kognition und Übersetzen. Über das Übersetzen von Konzepten
    (1999) Kubaszczyk, Joanna
    In the article a new attempt has been made to define what is the unit of translation and how to distinguish it. In her considerations the author bases on the achievements of cognitive linguistics, claiming that the translator doesn’t translate words, phrases or texts but the content units which realises in the concepts of language. Thus, it becomes possible to distinguish the concepts as translation units a priori before actual taking up the translation. The training in distinguishing the concepts of language and analysing them becomes therefore an important element of translation.
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    Didaktische Texte im Bereich der Giottodidaktik. Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung
    (1999) Grucza, Sambor
    The aim of the article is to discuss the question of (glotto)didactic texts from the point of view of glottodidactics. The division of texts into didactic and non-didactic can be drawn according to the criteria of glottodidactic relevance of a given text. The glottodidactic relevance can be defined as the applicability of a given text for reaching an expected glottodidactic aim. Authenticity of didactic text is one that is congruous with the communication situation in which, or for which it was formulated. An original didactic text in turn is one which has not been changed in any way with respect to its original form and contents. Every didactic text must be an authentic text, but it does not necessarily have to be an original text. The characteristic feature of didactic texts may be divided into linguistic features and glottodidactic features.
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    Modem hypermedia systems, which encompass the ability to adapt to the properties of human memory and cognition
    (1999) Woźniak, Piotr; Gorzelańczyk, Edward J.
    In this article we would like to show the need for developing knowledge access systems that can account for the imperfections in human perception, information processing and memory (Higgins et al., 1996). The implementation of such systems will result in enormous savings in the process of learning at all three stages of knowledge acquisition (by the mind): (1) access knowledge to, (2) learning and (3) knowledge retention (Clark et al., 1997). In particular, we will try to stress the importance of repetition spacing algorithms (Woźniak and Gorzelańczyk, 1994), as well as the importance of (1) (2) and the application of the newly introduced concept of processing, ordinal attributes in hypertext documents, semantics (Wiesman et al., 1997; Gillham, 1988).
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    Intuitions of adult L2-Leamer and translation students as a guide to analysis in teaching
    (1999) Connors, K.
    This paper deals with the pedagogical implications of a series of studies on linguistic awareness. Adult learners, native- and near-native speakers of English were studied for their knowledge of equivalence and contrast relations between reflexive and emphatic -self constructions, on the one hand, and the possible interpretations of French pronominal-verbal constructions, on the other. In the pilot study, adult Francophone learners of English and an Anglophone control group judged the grammaticality of sets of sentences, one of which presented -self constructions that were grammatical as reflexives, as emphatics, as both, or as neither. The original purpose of this combination was to study the relation between objective ambiguity and grammaticality judgments. The results suggested not that syntactic ambiguity led to incorrect grammaticality judgments, but that garden-path (or “hard-to-get”) readings of constructions which globally are asymmetrically ambiguous are associated with incorrect judgments of ungrammaticality. That is, the only reading on which a given sub-type of construction is grammatical can be unknown to learners and even undetected by native speakers.
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    Texte littéraire dans la glottodidactique
    (1999) Antkowiak, Krystyna
    Reading in a foreign language is a skill which is important for an overall competence. The researches done in the 1980s and the 1990s proved the utility of the text and especially of the literary one in language teaching. The present article deals with the use of self instruction in language teaching. Self instruction aims not only at giving a learner some knowledge but also at making him able to leam by himself and at giving him an attitude of independence towards the society he lives in, which is possible only when he is aware of how a society works. Reading itself is an autonomous activity because it is a self-directed process of discovering the meaning of a text. In order to make this process efficient a leamer-reader should leam some strategies which will enable him not to use a dictionary too often. Tasks in relation to reading texts should lead a learner to think over the meaning of the text, to compare his opinions with those of the author, to speak about his reactions. And last but not least: reading literary works makes a learner get acquainted with the culture of people whose language he is learning.
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    Literatur als Kultursensibilisierung? Zur Arbeit mit literarischen Texten im interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (1999) Adamczak, Sylwia
    The development of intercultural understanding and the ability of transcultural communication have become one of the key concepts of foreign language teaching. A necessary precondition of such a complex concept is, of course, the comparison of native and foreign reality that is often only displayed in the form of stereotyped behaviour patterns in textbook dialogues. In teaching foreign literature, however, a literary text can be a suitable means for students to become more aware of the foreign culture by observing and analysing it from an intercultural perspective. This article will therefore emphasize the validity of literary texts for preparing students for not only linguistic but also cultural experience. Thus the author will present current conceptions on the role of literature in foreign language teaching, examine specific criteria of the literary text choice for foreign language teaching purposes and provide an overview of current methodological trends for working with such texts.