Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2016 Nr 2 (19)
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Item 7. Göttinger Gespräche zum Agrarrecht „Reichweite und Grenzen des Agrarrechts“, Gedenksymposium für Dr. Wolfgang Winkler (1937–2012), Getynga, 4 listopada 2016 r.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Suchoń, Aneta; Sokołowski, Łukasz MikołajItem Wybrane zagadnienia z problematyki rolnej w orzecznictwie sądowym Glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 13 grudnia 2016 r., II KK 281/16(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Jachnik, ElizaItem „Rivista di Diritto Agrario”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Leśkiewicz, KatarzynaItem „Revue de Droit Rural”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Frąckowiak, ZofiaItem „Revista de Derecho Agrario y Alimentario”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Różański, KrzysztofItem „Agrar- und Umweltrecht”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Sokołowski, Łukasz MikołajItem Theodore A. Feitshans, Agricultural and Agribusiness Law. Introduction for Non-lawyers, New York–Oxon 2016(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Lipińska, IzabelaItem Christian Busse, Sonderrechtlicher und funktionalrechtlicher Ansatz im agrarrechtlichen Widerstreit. Ein Beitrag zur agrarrechtlichen Systembildung, Hagener Wissenschaftsverlag, Hagen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Budzinowski, RomanItem Ines Härtel, Roman Budzinowski (Hrsg.), Food Security, Food Safety, Food Quality. Current Developments and Challenges in European Union Law, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2016(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Korzycka, MałgorzataItem Mechtild Düsing, José Martínez (Hrsg.), Agrarrecht, Verlag C. H. Beck oHG, München 2016(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Budzinowski, RomanItem Praktyczne aspekty dochodzenia roszczeń z tytułu szkody łowieckiej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Gała, PawełThe aim of this paper was to identify the main practical issues related to the process of claiming damages for losses cause by hunters or wild animals. It is concluded that the main problem is that claimants are usually the weaker party in the proceedings. Consequently the important role of the doctrine and the judicial decisions favouring the injured parties has been emphasised, as playing an essential role in the balancing off and levelling the interests of both parties and their obligations towards each other. The positive but also the negative aspects of the planned amendments to the existing game law have been discusses in the light of the claims for damages for losses caused by wild animals and hunters.Item Z prawnej problematyki aktualizacji ewidencji gruntów i budynków(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Leśkiewicz, KatarzynaThe aim of the paper was to establish the circumstances under which an agricultural land loses its agricultural character and may consequently be redefined and classified in the register of land and buildings as a different type of usable land and entered under a heading ‘urbanised undeveloped land or land in the process of being developed’. As explained in the conclusions, only an actual commencement of a construction as referred to in the Act – Building Law, properly documented and reported to local authorities, can effectively create grounds for an exclusion of agricultural land from agricultural production in the understanding of the provisions on the protection of agricultural and forestry land, on which basis the reclassification of the land in the land and buildings register may be made.Item Europäisierung des nationalen Tierschutzrechts – Bereich konventionelle Nutztierhaltung(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Ovie, KeaEuropeanisation of national animal welfare law means the impact of European Union (EU) law and the law of the European Council on national animal welfare law. Various law acts that are dedicated to animal welfare operate at the EU level as well on an interna-tional level. Although both jurisdictions are based on the ethical understanding of animal welfare, they also pursue economic objectives. This is the reason why they usually adopt only minimum standards. However, Member States and States Parties may adopt higher animal welfare standards. The degree of the Europeanisation varies between the EU and the European Council and there are a number of binding regulations and recommendations. This, however, should not disguise the fact that in a range of individual cases special regulations and recommendations are still missing. There is no concretised European law which could influence national animal welfare laws applicable to all animal species. Furthemore, the European animal welfare legislation is not capable of solving all animal welfare problems on the grounds of law. Member States retain a significant degree of discretion in this matter. For example cages for the parents of broilers in which these animals have no chance use high perches. Such a practice is contrary to the recommendations of the European Council.Item Genossenschaften im Spannungsfeld genossenschaftlicher Grundprinzipien und marktbedingtem Anpassungsdruck(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Caßelmann, JanCooperatives are an important economic factor for the Federal Republic of Germany, especially in the sector of agriculture. The increase of economic internationalisation or concentration, and a developing capitalistically-aligned market caused the German legislation to adjust company laws, especially the cooperative law, in order to be able to adapt to those changing settings. Since the beginning of cooperative law, the German legislation had made critical changes: The competence over the managing directions had been transferred from the general assembly to the board, multiple voting rights had been introduced, and memberships of investors had been allowed in order to expand the equity capital. This article examines, whether the German legislation considered the basic principles of cooperative law in a legally appropriate way. In the author’s opinion the answer is generally positive, yet there are still areas which require further attention (intervention) on the part of the German legislator.Item Landwirtschaftliche Grundstücke in der kommunalen Bauleitplanung(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Fietz, RudolfLand-use conflicts are regularly borne by the agricultural areas. The marginalisation of agriculture initially followed the historical need for more living space, which is reflected in the urban planning regulations of the Federal Building Act and its successor regulations. The pressure on the agricultural land grew in the 1980s, when various instruments were developed. In recent years attempts have been made to reduce the pressure on agricultural land and to protect it.Item Tradition mit Zukunft? – Das Anerbenrecht(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Graß, ChristianeThe right of inheritance in agriculture is characterised by the fact that it grants privileges to an agricultural holding, which is not the case found in ‘common’ inheritance law. These privileges or special arrangements are designed to ensure the survival of the farm by ensuring only one legacy to prevent the disruption or sale of the farm. The right to inher-itance finds its explanation and justification in history, starting at the Middle Ages and which has retained its regional connection to date. Today, the right of inheritance is a mo-saic of regional regulations which are questioned in the light of structural changes in agriculture (the end of family farms) and of the principle of equality.Item Wdrażanie Programów Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich we Włoszech na podstawie rozporządzenia nr 1305/2013(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Germanò, Alberto; Strambi, GiulianaThe article deals with Rural Areas Development Programmes (RADP) in Italy implemented pursuant to Regulation EU No 1305/2013. Apart from 21 regional RADPs envisaged for the period 2014–2020, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture has prepared one national programme as well. In the article, special focus is put on the adoption and implementation procedures of these Programmes, to determine their legal character. The Tuscan region has been selected for a case study, and the procedures of the submission, adoption and notification of Programmes to the European Commission, the character of the regional legislative acts as well as the procedures necessary to follow at the implementation stage regarding the formulation of ‘notifications’ or ‘announcements’ of individual ‘actions’ leading to the next step when funds are allocated in by way of ‘agreements’ have been analysed. The analysis of the legal character of the RADPs in the context of their broad division into ‘soft law’ and ‘hard law’, suggests that they should be classified as hard law.Item Z prawnej problematyki uprawnienia informacyjnego w świetle ustawy o ochronie prawnej odmian roślin(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Hasińska, IzabelaThe aim of the considerations presented in this article was an attempt to determine to what extent legal regulations ensure proper realisation of the breeder’s right to information. It is concluded that among other things neither the breeder’s application (of that of an organisation of breeders) requesting written information regarding the use of material from a plant variety protected by an exclusive right as seeding material, nor a claim concerning the obligation to provide information in a manner provided for in Article 23a clause 1 of the Act on Legal Protection of Plant Varieties are contingent upon determination of a prior violation of the exclusive right.Item Z aktualnej problematyki zakładania i funkcjonowania grup producentów rolnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Suchoń, AnetaThis article is an attempt to determine to what extent the new legal regulations will influence the creation and functioning of groups of agricultural producers. As has been found, a reliable answer to this question will only be possible after the new solutions have been put in practice for a length of time, which will allow to determine whether the changes introduced to the registration, supervision and control of groups of agricultural producers have brought positive results. It is also pointed out that the decision to limit the recipients of EU funding to groups of individuals only is detrimental to those groups of agricultural producers whose members are social cooperatives and agricultural production cooperatives. On the positive side, is the introduction of additional criteria on which basis financial means will be assigned to cooperative groups of agricultural producers.Item Z prawnej problematyki bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w rodzinnych gospodarstwach rolnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Puślecki, DamianThe aim of this article was to answer the question whether it is necessary to regulate safety and hygiene at work in family farm holdings separately. An analysis of this issue has led to a conclusion that the high occurrence of agricultural accidents, the specifics of the work in agriculture and the need for the protection of the main bread winner as well as other family members helping in the agricultural business, create a need for separate regulations governing safety and hygiene at work in agriculture, with particular focus on family farm holdings.