Quaestiones Geographicae vol. 37 (3), 2018


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    Possibilities of using selected visualization methods for historical analysis of sporting event – an example of stage cycling race Tour de France
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Bačík, Vladimír; Klobučník, Michal
    Nowadays, we are facing an enormous amount of data which are being produced by different systems. These must be effectively stored and visualized in order to enable their proper interpretation. In our research, we attempted to use circular data visualization applied on the Tour de France cycling race. Since this competition has over 100 years of history, a variety of data is available. Using the chord diagrams we tried to illustrate the long-term development of this race, with an emphasis on its spatial and sport aspects. Spatial dimension is characterised by the large number of stages and mountain climbs in such locations which altogether enhance the meaning of this major sporting event, while sport aspects aim to capture the significant personages on the scorecard. Circular visualization has found its application in many disciplines (genetics, demography, medicine, etc.). In our contribution, we point out its importance also in the visualization of the historical milestones of the most important multi-stage cycling event in the world.
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    Application of the spatial database for shoreline change analysis and visualisation: example from the western Polish coast, southern Baltic Sea
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Kostecki, Robert
    The main aim of the study was to introduce a spatial database application for the estimation of changes in shoreline position. The open-source PostgreSQL database system with the PostGIS spatial extension was used as the data store for digitalised shorelines. The solution to calculations of the shoreline changes was based on the functions written in the PL/SQL language and geospatial functions provided by the PostGIS extension. The traditional baseline and transects method was used to quantify the distances and rate of shoreline movement. Outputs of the calculations were stored in the database table and simply visualised using graphical functions in the R software environment or in GIS Desktop software. The advantage of presented method is the application of SQL language in the analysis of the relation between the geometry of shorelines stored in the database table, which, compared to other similar solutions, gives the user fully open, simple analytical code and enable selecting custom parameters of analysis, modifying code and performing additional calculations.
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    Lithological and structural control on Italian mountain geoheritage: opportunities for tourism, outdoor and educational activities
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Bollati, Irene; Coratza, Paola; Panizza, Valeria; Pelfini, Manuela
    Mountain landscapes are generated by the interplay of endogenous and exogenous processes, whose reciprocal importance changes over times. The Italian relief reflects a high geomorphodiversity and an overview on iconic mountain landscapes, representative of the lithological-structural diversity of the Italian relief, is presented. The study cases, located along Alps and Apennines and in the Sardinia island, are exemplary for the comprehension of the role of the substratum in shaping mountain landscapes and of the deriving risk scenario. Moreover, mountain landscapes are characterized by a high potential for use in terms of: i) ideal open-air natural laboratories for multidisciplinary educational purposes including geological-geomorphological, historical and ecological topics; ii) possibility of specific outdoor activities that take advantage of outdoor sports (e.g., climbing, canyoning, speleology). These feasible and versatile opportunities favour the enhancement of such environments under different perspectives as well as the involvement of local communities and the socio-economic return deriving from mountain geoheritage management.
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    Toponymy of the Ancient Sary-Arka (North-Eastern Kazakhstan)
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Saparov, Kuat; Chlachula, Jiri; Yeginbayeva, Aigul
    This study examines the etymology of the principal physiographic entities of the ancient Sary-Arka area– meaning in the old Turkic language Yellowing Ridge – encompassing the present territory of parkland-steppes, rocky highlands and the adjacent mountains of North and East Kazakhstan. The current linguistic evidence points to a complex and chronologically long culture-historical development reflected by the local place names best-recorded for the major rivers and mountains (hydronyms and oronyms, respectively). Not all geo-site names are securely determined by using modern onomastics. Records of material culture provide additional multi-proxy information. Local uniformity of some toponyms across the extensive area assuming a common cultural background attests to a broader ethnic homogeneity and/or mobility of the ancient populations inhabiting this vast and geomorphically mosaic land. This suggests a close relationship and interactions (including demographic exchanges and mixing) between the past pastoral ethics in the parkland-steppe and semi-desert areas north of Lake Balkhash between the Aral Sea and the southern Urals in the West and the Alatau–Altai Mountain systems in the East. Whereas the hydronyms of the Sary-Arka may have a rather complex and not fully clear origin with a connection to the Turkic-Tatar medieval tribes and nations’ occupancy in northern Central Asia eventually modified into the present Kazakh language forms, the oronyms of the East Kazakhstan mountain ranges indicate the Mongolian roots.
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    University students’ perceptions of the inner cities of Murcia and Valencia
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Morales Yago, Francisco José; de Lázaro y Torres, María Luisa; Gomez Ruiz, María Luisa
    Inner city perceptions create a mental representation from different approaches: a visual approach, carried out through observation and description; a second approach, focused on evaluation and analysis of a city; and a third approach, which integrates the feelings that a space evokes in individuals known as the sense of the place. In the final analysis the aforementioned approach condition the behaviour (action-decision) of individuals. Image capture mainly happens while people walk in, travel to or visit a city using different ways to get around and they organize a mental map of the city. University students were selected from two Spanish cities: Murcia (215 respondents) and Valencia (300 respondents) to reply to a survey and to draw a map of their city. Results of the images of the cities in which they were currently living also proved useful in providing guidelines on sustainable growth of cities and in detecting deficiencies in order to correct them. The research model could be used in other cities throughout the world.
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    Mapping and monitoring erosion-accretion in an alluvial river using satellite imagery – the river bank changes of the Padma river in Bangladesh
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Billah, Mohammad Maruf
    The Padma river is widely known for its dynamic and disastrous behaviour, and the river has been experiencing intense and frequent bank erosion and deposition leading to the changes and shifting of bank line. In this paper, a time series of Landsat satellite imagery MSS, TM and OLI and TIRS images and are used to detect river bank erosion-accretion and bank line shifting during the study period 1975-2015. This study exhibits a drastic increase of erosion and accretion of land along the Padma river. The results show that from 1975 to 2015, the total amount of river bank erosion is 49,951 ha of land, at a rate of 1,249 ha a-1 and the total amount of accretion is 83,333 ha of land, at a rate of 2,083 ha a-1. Throughout the monitoring period, erosion-accretion was more pronounced in the right part of the river and bank line had been shifting towards the southern direction. The paper also reveals that the total area of islands had been increased significantly, in 2015 there was about 50,967 ha of island area increased from 20,533 ha of island area in 1975, and the results evidence consistency of sedimentation in the river bed.
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    Comparsion of TRMM Precipitation Satellite Data over Central Java Region – Indonesia
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Sekaranom, Andung Bayu; Nurjani, Emilya; Hadi, M. Pramono; Marfai, Muh Aris
    This research aims to compare precipitation data derived from satellite observation and ground measurements through a dense station network over Central Java, Indonesia. A precipitation estimate from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42 Version 7 are compared with precipitation data from interpolated rain gauge stations. Correlation analysis, mean bias error (MBE), and root mean square error (RMSE) were utilized in the analysis for each thee-monthly seasonal statistics. The result shows that the 3B42 products often estimate lower rainfall than observed from weather stations in the peak of the rainy season (DJF). Further, it is revealed that the 3B42 product are less robust in estimating rainfall at high elevation, especially when humid environment, which is typical during the rainy season peak, are involved.
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    The socioeconomic vulnerability of coastal communities to abrasion in Samas, Bantul Regency, Indonesia
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Choirunnisa, Audi Karina; Giyarsih, Sri Rum
    This research was conducted in Srigading and Gadingsari Villages, Samas District, Bantul Regency, the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Both of these villages were selected as the study area because of their high vulnerability to coastal erosion. This research aimed to analyse the physical, social, and economic vulnerability and the capacity of communities in both villages to deal with erosion in Samas Coast using primary and secondary database. According to the results of the physical and socioeconomic scenarios, Srigading has a high vulnerability level, whereas Gadingsari has a low vulnerability level. Meanwhile, the equal scenario results in the same spatial distribution of vulnerability as the aforementioned scenarios. This research also finds that the capacity, which was based on knowledge of coastal erosion and its risk reduction measures, is categorized as medium. This capacity level is shaped by the constantly improved preparedness as communities experience coastal erosions directly.
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    Selected modern methods and tools for public participation in urban planning – a review
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Haklay, Muki; Jankowski, Piotr; Zwoliński, Zbigniew
    The paper presents a review of contributions to the scientific discussion on modern methods and tools for public participation in urban planning. This discussion took place in Obrzycko near Poznań, Poland. The meeting was designed to allow for an ample discussion on the themes of public participatory geographic information systems, participatory geographic information systems, volunteered geographic information, citizen science, Geoweb, geographical information and communication technology, Geo-Citizen participation, geo-questionnaire, geo-discussion, GeoParticipation, Geodesign, Big Data and urban planning. Participants in the discussion were scholars from Austria, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the USA. A review of public participation in urban planning shows new developments in concepts and methods rooted in geography, landscape architecture, psychology, and sociology, accompanied by progress in geoinformation and communication technologies. The discussions emphasized that it is extremely important to state the conditions of symmetric cooperation between city authorities, urban planners and public participation representatives, social organizations, as well as residents.
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    Participatory mapping in community participation – case study of Jeseník, Czech Republic
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Pánek, Jiří
    Community participation has entered the 21st century and the era of e-participation, e-government and e-planning. With the opportunity to use Public Participation Support Systems, Computer-Aided Web Interviews and crowdsourcing mapping platforms, citizens are equipped with the tools to have their voices heard. This paper presents a case study of the deployment of such an online mapping platform in Jeseník, Czech Republic. In total, 533 respondents took part in the online mapping survey, which included six spatial questions. Respondents marked 4,714 points and added 1,538 comments to these points. The main aim of the research was to find whether there were any significant differences in the answers from selected groups (age, gender, home location) of respondents. The results show largest differences in answers of various (below 20 and above 20 year) age groups. Nevertheless further statistical examination would be needed to confirm the visual comparison.
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    Legal and organizational framework for the use of geoweb methods for public participation in spatial planning in Poland: experiences, opinions and challenges
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Bąkowska-Waldmann, Edyta; Brudka, Cezary; Jankowski, Piotr
    Geoweb methods offer an alternative to commonly used public participation methods in spatial planning. This paper discusses two such geoweb methods – geo-questionnaire and geo-discussion in the context of their initial applications within the spatial planning processes in Poland. The paper presents legal and organizational framework for the implementation of methods, provides their development details, and assesses insights gained from their deployment in the context of spatial planning in Poland. The analysed case studies encompass different spatial scales ranging from major cities in Poland (Poznań and Łódź) to suburban municipalities (Rokietnica and Swarzędz in Poznań Agglomeration). The studies have been substantiated by interviews with urban planners and local authorities on the use and value of Geoweb methods in public consultations.
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    Geo-questionnaire: a spatially explicit method for eliciting public preferences, behavioural patterns, and local knowledge – an overview
    (Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2018-09) Czepkiewicz, Michał; Jankowski, Piotr; Zwoliński, Zbigniew
    Geo-questionnaires have been used in a variety of domains to collect public preferences, behavioural patterns, and spatially-explicit local knowledge, for academic research and environmental and urban planning. This paper provides an overview of the method focusing on the methodical characteristics of geo-questionnaires including software functions, types of collected data, and techniques of data analysis. The paper also discusses broader methodical issues related to the practice of deploying geo-questionnaires such as respondent selection and recruitment, representativeness, and data quality. The discussion of methodical issues is followed by an overview of the recent examples of geo-questionnaire applications in Poland, and the discussion of socio-technical aspects of geo-questionnaire use in spatial planning.