Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 18 z. 2, 2011
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Item Kwalifikatory w słowniku Jerzego Samuela Bandtkiego – rodzaje, funkcje, frekwencja(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Kaszewski, MarekUsage notes and labelling practicies in J.S. Bandtkie’s dictionary – types,functions and frequency. The present text discusses the issues related to the phenomenon that is enormously important for the study of historical lexicography, namely the issue of usage notes and labelling practices used in dictionaries. The author focuses on the types of stylistic and context markers used in the dictionary compiled by J.S. Bandtkie, their differentiation and estimated frequency of application (frequency of occurrence of given markers against others), and the consistency in the application of specific solutions by the author of the dictionary. Special attention is given to some of the aspects of the use of grammatical information in J.S. Bandtkie’s work and to the consistency in using given adopted solutions. The article also includes some general remarks on the scientific merit of the dictionary, one of the most extensive, as far as the lexical resources are concerned, historical dictionaries of the Polish language.Item Medialne obrazy świata z perspektywy retorycznej (na przykładzie recepcji medialnej śmierci i pochówku Czesława Miłosza)(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Sobczak, BarbaraThe article attempts to contribute to the discussion on the methods used in creating the world in the media, viewed from the rhetorical perspective. Implementations of the rhetorical principle of the adaptation of the utterance to the context and the situation of the audience to which exposition is directed (cf. K. Burke’s idea of identification and the so-called “identification” principle) are followed by both linguistic structuring of the utterance and the following argumentation may effect in the media content messages that are not only different but, frequently, create opposing images of the world. How far they may differ in their message is then shown with the example of the media reception of the death and the burial of Czesław Miłosz manifested in the presentations offered by two daily newspapers: "Gazeta Wyborcza" and "Nasz Dziennik". The excerpted source material shows how the multitude of receivers designed to be reached by different mass media communication channels and diversity in taste and expectations of audiences makes it possible for journalists to create subjective interpretations of the world. Once created and tailored to the context of the audience, they function in parallel pathways and, should a clash between them ensue, the only outcome is that their rhetorical nature gets even more accentuated. With these circumstances given, what we experience then is a situation when different truths collide, while each of them surfaces within a given context of human conversation and each is validated by its respective audience to be reached and goals to be attained.Item Ideologia braci polskich a ich język. Zasada "sola Scriptura" w twórczości Marcina Czechowica(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Hawrysz, MagdalenaThe principal aim of this article is to show dependencies between preaching one’s beliefs (preached ideology) and the language of a communicative community. The illustrative material for the purpose is provided by the literary and theological output of Marcin Czechowic, the Polish Socinian minister, theologian and writer, author of the translation of the New Testament and its summary in verse (rhymed summary). The choice of this particular religious group was prompted by a conviction that the group’s religious radicalism (in this particular case limited solely to observance of the "sola Scriptura" principle) would be reflected in language. The observations concerning the translation output of the Polish Brethren presented in the work, in particular those referring to explicit comments on the Bible and those within the domain of the usage of biblical themes and motifs as a means for imaging and the source of literary inspiration, prove that ideologically-motivated authority of the Bible had a distinct rendition in not only the syllabus on the teaching of Holy Scripture, but also on the actual description of the Book. The literary and theological output of Marcin Czechowic stands out beyond other religious authors, both Catholic and Protestant, in the constant presence of the theme of the Holy Bible. Other distinguishable and characteristic features of Czechowic’s style of writing include his individual and unique way of shaping the description that expresses the highest reverence for the perfection and excellence of God’s word.Item Akomodacja składniowa w obrębie grup imiennych z liczebnikiem głównym w średniowiecznej polszczyźnie(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Słoboda, AgnieszkaThis article aims at providing a description of nominal groups with the cardinal number in which a fluctuation in syntactic accommodation within the relations with the remaining elements of the group, i.e. adjectives and pronouns, occurs. In a separate evaluation – on account of idiosyncratic morphological and syntactic properties – groups with the numeral "dwa" (two) and with numerals with the paradigms of the nominal declension of the type "pięć" (five) are discussed. With the instance of groups with the numeral "dwa", the reason for fluctuations is not only the gradual disappearance of the dual form, but also the influence of Latin, in which this category receded very early. With numerals of the type "pięć", a gradual switch from the syntax subordinate to the numeral to the syntax subordinate to the superordinate noun in the nominal group is observable. This process was effected by a change in the syntactic function of the numeral and its gradual adjectivization.Item Mowa niezależna w przekazie medialnym a podstawowe funkcje informacji dziennikarskiej (część 2)(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Grzelka, Monika; Kula, AgnieszkaThis article reports part of a research project currently carried out by the authors devoted to the analysis of quoted speech used by Polish journalists in their discourse after 1989. The first part of the article was published in the previous volume of "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne". The present part focuses on the characteristics of the participants parties) in journalistic information. Prevailing and determining factors related to the number and the type of participants in journalistic information are presented, and fundamental functions of speech verbs (verba dicenti) are indicated. Citation is the most explicit form of inclusion of other-discourse in one’s discourse. The second part of the study provides more detailed analysis that includes the following categories: the category of witnesses, experts (practitioners) and that of experts (theoreticians). The third part of the article is due to be published soon.Item Defensio verae translationis corporis Catechismi in linguam Polonicam, adversus calumnias Joannis Secluciani Jana Maleckiego – przekład wraz z komentarzem(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Lenartowicz-Zagrodna, AnnaThe response written by Jan Sandecki-Malecki provides extremely important information on the sixteenth century Polish language as it is the only meta-linguistic statement from the period available in full that has been preserved until our times. The text originated as the response that took the form of a manuscript work "A Defense,against the calumnies of jan Seklucjan, of the true translation of the Body of the Catechism into the Polish language" in which Malecki answered Seklucjan’s criticism in a debate centered on the proper translation of a number of passages from Scripture and contributed to the controversy between Jan Seklucjan (Seclucianus) and Malecki over the proper translation of Holy Scripture in Polish; it constitutes a polemic against the critical remarks on the Polish translation of the catechism. Being a voice and opinion on the issues related to the contemporary state and needs of the Polish language of the time, given by a member of the then intellectual elite, "Defensio…" illustrates well the sixteenth century linguistic competence. On the basis of the latter it is possible to reconstruct the Renaissance shape of literary Polish and evaluate its stylistic value.Item Innowacje frazeologiczne w świetle danych korpusowych(Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Fliciński, PiotrThis article aims at highlighting available possibilities offered by web-based language corpuses to support the phraseologist and experts in phraseography in their research methods. From this introduction, the author proceeds to show the ways to keep trace of the changeable character of the phraseological resources in the Polish language in the increasingly democratized cultural space, focusing on the relations between innovative phraseological constructions (neophraseologisms, shifts in meaning and polymorphic type of the form of explicit language usage) and the phraseological norm in modern Polish language. Theoretical considerations are then followed by the analytical part of the article in which the author presents a number of research improvements related to the study of phraseological innovations with the application of the National Corpus of Polish, with three examples provided ("powtarzać coś jak mantrę" [literally: to repeat something like a mantra], "chodzić na rzęsach" [to do everything in order to accomplish something, or to make whoopee, to paint the town red]and "z prędkością/szybkością karabinu maszynowego" – "jak karabin maszynowy" [to talk a mile a minute]).