Przestrzenie Teorii, 2007, nr 8

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    Donjuán i Pan Niedziela
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007)
    The essay provides an interpretation of a scene (dialogue Don luan - Monsieur Dimanche; IV, 2) from Molière's Dom luan ou le Festin de pierre in several complementing discursive orders. The first relates to the formal theory of cooperation (R. Axelrod, W. Hamilton), the second - to Marcel Mauss's essay, The Cift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies, and the subsequent - to the typology of speech acts and subject's attitudes towards the order of signs. Models, created on this basis, serve as tools for the analysis of the relations between Don Juan, other people, God, and of his attitude to love, gift, obligations and death. The protagonist violates communication rules ordering society and its institutions. The destruction of the most important rule, the rule of reciprocity, shows simultaneously the cognitive mechanisms conditioning exchange, use of performatives, understanding of the sign as a tripartite structure of signifiersignified- designation.
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    Dawni autorzy o grafomanii
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Śnieżko, Dariusz
    The topic of the article are opinions formulated by old Polish writers on this sort of literary activity (and it's authors) that presently is called "graphomania", in the context of the ancient tradition and some statements expressed by selected European men of letters. At the beginning of the article theoretical conditions are sketched that - according to the author - should be taken into consideration in order to effectively use the terms "graphoman" and "graphomania". Then, on the basis of the literary quotations, there have been distinguished the criteria that in the old writers' eyes seemed the most representative of graphoman's works. In the end are presented the most popular, parodistic means used by the writers to discredit the title phenomena.
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    Powtórzenie w myśli Sorena Kierkegaarda - opowieść a przypowieść
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Gołębiewska, Maria
    In this text the author describes briefly Kierkegaard's conception of existence, which has been juxtaposed by him with the reinterpreted conception of essence and of the existing. Kierkegaard defined existence referring to different orders of representation, first of all to the spoken and written language. He considered existence - always individual and particular - as an object of personal existential choice. This choice concerns, at the same time, the way of individual existence (the stadium of life) and the individual identity. That is why in Kierkegaard's reflection is so important the reference to individual identity and to its grasp in narration - in the mythical parable and in the story concerning everyday life. The problems of existence, identity and their grasp in representation are connected with the Kierkegaardian question of repetition, which is also discussed in this study.
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    Obraz, nieobecność i moment krytyczny (Uwagi o pewnej frazie Jaspera Johnsa)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Leśniak, Andrzej
    The experience of Minimal Art tells us that a visual object can confront us with absence. The minimal objects are absent - they do not recall any past, they do not refer to any story that might be their source. At least this is the very first impression...But this situation does not make all the utterances concerning these objects impossible. It is rather the opposite - the absence of story, the negation of history is the beginning of another way of writing about art.
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    Spis treści
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007)
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    Noc nadchodzi. Dnieje
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Kujawiński, Frank
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    „Hojność śladu". O Śniegu Leśmiana
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Zawadzki, Andrzej
    The article is an analysis of Bolesław Lesmian's Śnieg (Snow), the character of which is that of a poetic meditation on the subject of impossibility of return to childhood and of recreating the past. Special emphasis is put on the problem of trace, functioning as a sign to the past and leading to a traumatic event in which the subject of participated Snieg (Snow)-contact with a thing unidentified precisely participated, which is hiding inside a mysterious home. The subject of the poem is not capable of presenting fu lly this event nor rationalise it, it becomes absent in the order of his memory, given only by a mysterious trace, which both joins the hero with his old " I" as well as makes it possible to reconcile the past with the present and construct a stable identity of the subject.
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    Tadeusz Kantor i iluzja powtórzenia
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Dobrowolski, Piotr
    The article deals with a category of repetition. This category is used as an artistic technique by Tadeusz Kantor in his unique theatre performances. The author analyzes an aesthetics' agenda of its practical use. The category is shown in a philosophical perspective of Soren Kierkegaard's, Cilles Deleuze's and Henri Bergson's writings. Cricot 2 theatre late performances (called Theatre of the Memory) were repeating Kantor's personal past and his family's history by re-playing it onstage. An artistic attempt was about to form actors' gestures and activities in a shape of one's memories. A problem, that a director had to deal with was connected with a deformation and a blur of remembered pictures. Each one of these faint pictures was under an influence of passing time and experiences that came with it. Another kind of distortion was made by actors, that were unable to embody the people from the past. Kantor's artistic imagination could make a single picture that was taken from the past (e.g. as a photograph) alive. Memory of the artist, prompted by a prosthetic celluloid device was reawakening to alternative existences of the people that have passed by. Theatre inspired the repetition that introduced a difference to an original. Continuation of one's life that was retaken leads to a development of a repeated gesture and an object that opens a new field of its meaning. Infinite repetition approaches its infinite forms to an idealistic idea of a subject, a gesture, an activity.
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    Listy do mojego Wuja. Listy Tymoteusza Karpowicza do brata Jana Brzezińskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Szkudlarek, Ewa
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    Literatura i nihilizm
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Januszkiewicz, Michał
    This article Literature and Nihilsm is an attempt at capturing nihilism as a category of the study of literature. Considerations concerning three questions: 1) analysis of historical disputes (e.g. between Plato and Aristotle) on nihilism of literature (what is meant basically is the relation of literature to truth understood correspondingly); 2. interpretation (among other things, emphasis of Vattim's motif concerning the relationship between hermeneutics and nihilism) and 3) nihilistic motifs in literature (the author is focused on interpretations of nihilism in literature) in Turgenev's oeuvre, and especially in that of Dostoyevsky. It can be seen from the latter considerations that for understanding nihilism, Dostoyevsky plays an original and not a smaller role than Friedrich Nietzsche, who is traditionally considered as the chief theorist of nihilism.
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    Antropologia fotografii Zdjęcia artystów w literackim ujęciu Wisławy Szymborskiej, Zbigniewa Herberta i Andrzeja Stasiuka
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Zalewski, Cezary
    The article discusses transpositions of photographs of artists contained in W. Szymborska's works Znieruchomienie [Demotioning], Z. Herbert's Pan Cogito z Marią Rasputin - próba kontaktu [Pan Cogito with Mary Rasputin - an attempt to contact] and A. Stasiuk's Jadąc do Babadag (Going to Babadag). The common feature of these three presentations consists in depriving or levelling the biographical context thanks to which general musings on human nature become possible. They lead to a conclusion on the uprooted character of human condition, which becomes deprived of its home (Stasiuk), mother country and culture (Herbert) and even corporality (Szymborska). Due to this, man appears as an unrecognisable being, possible to capture exclusively in the temporal categories.
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    Sny Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza - subiectum w obiektywie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Igielska, Anna
    Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz's Sny (Dreams) are interpreted by me in the context of Schopenhauer's philosophy of music and phenomenology of perception of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and a new phenomenology of Hermann Schmitz. The memory of Richard Wagner's Die Traume is treated by me not only as a point of reference for the description of the events of youth, but also as a form of presentation of the world of the presented story.
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    Przesłania motywów elewacji w poezji Bertranda Degotta
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Lubas-Bartoszyńska, Regina
    Motives of ascending are placed in the text of the author in the domain of verticality. There are problems of dynamism of poetic space. The crossing of a horizon is characteristic for such a space. The perpetual crossing of any horizons is characteristic of Degott poetry. Both horizons apply to poetics as called in poetry ones. Their abundance and way of ascending brings plurality of symbolication. The motives of ascencion gain this poetry a trait of civilization. This is the subject in the automobile which is ascended itself.
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    Wielka inicjacja. O znaczeniu podróży do Francji w roku 1890 dla poglądów i postawy artystycznej Stanisława Wyspiańskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Bałus, Wojciech
    Stanisław Wyspianski's journey to France, which he made thanks to Tadeusz Stryjeński in 1890, influenced the artistic development of the young painter. In his letters, written during his journey and addressed to T. Stryjeński, and in his poetic notes to Lucjan Rydel, Wyspiański keeps a record of his impressions and conceptualises his own artistic views, which are confronted on the spot with art and architecture which he saw during his journey (among others, Puvis de Chavannes, Gothic cathedrals, the Louvre, Sainte-Chapelle).
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    Literatura konkretna
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Döhl, Reinhard
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    „Uspokojona, uspokajająca... Elegia młodopolska jako ogniwo modernistycznych dziejów gatunku
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Czabanowska-Wróbel, Anna
    This dissertation shows synthetically the Young Poland elegy together with a proposal, due to properties of aesthetics and subject matter of the typology of the genre in this epoch: 1. elegies of the mood connected with the poetics of symbolism, which instead of a personal confession, contain picturesque equivalents of "the condition of soul", 2. autobiographical elegies, among them elegies of memories, 3. stylised elegies, consciously formed according to old genre models. What has been emphasised is the importance of the genre and its unbroken continuity between the 19th and 20th centuries. The most important role was played by the autobiographical elegy in which Leśmian achieved mastery, which aimed from the personal confession to psychological and epistemological discoveries. Staff's role is important as he practised all three kinds of elegy. The wide-ranging phenomenon of elegiacness, occurring also in prose, has been signalled.
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    Neurosemiotyka jako hermeneutyka kultury i literatury (Krótki komentarz do rozpraw Jana Kordysa)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Balbus, Stanisław
    This sketch presents the most important linguistic and semiological premises of the relatively new field of science, neurosemiotics, which is the research base of Jan Kordys' studies, who transformed it into a neurosemiotical hermeneutics of culture-texts, as a branch of the modern philosophical anthropology.