Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2004, nr 2


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    Realizacja programu reprywatyzacji w Polscew latach 1989–2001 (aspekt polityczny i ideologiczny)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Patkowski, Krzysztof
    Reprivatization is one of the problems Polish politicians have failed to solve for 15 years. They developed nearly a score of drafts of reprivatization acts, none of which has been implemented. Election campaigns and government changes most frequently obstructed them. This happened to the draft developed by Hanna Suchocka’s government, later withheld by the next government of Waldemar Pawlak and the coalition of SLD-PSL (Democratic Left Alliance – Polish People’s Party). The coalition AWS-UW (Solidarity Election Action – Freedom Union) was very likely to launch reprivatization. Although it had the required majority in the Parliament, the political disputes inside the Solidarity Election Action prevented reprivatization. For the Solidarity Election Action with Marian Krzaklewski, general endowment was to ensure the victory to the party and himself in the next parliamentary and presidential elections respectively. As a result of the internal disputes, the reprivatization act was vetoed by President Kwaśniewski and the elections marked the AWS’s collapse. After Poland’s accession to the European Union former property owners have increasingly been demanding to restore the seized property, yet the issue does not seem likely to be solved soon and the very idea of reprivatization dissolves in political and ideological controversies.
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    Mienie i nadzór samorządu stanowego wsi piastowskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Waniewska, Magdalena
    As a result of expansion of the feudal system, as well as due to an intensified process of colonization and economical and legal transformations, at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries there were formed estate representative institutions. The local estate countryside administration was established as a direct consequence of the fact that some of the rights of the landowners were transferred onto communal units. The functioning of the local countryside administration was limited by law and monitored by the state authorities. Its salaries resulted partly from the concession on the part of a land proprietor, partly from the contemporaneous customary case law. The local countryside administration did not own any property as such; it could only be lent under the law of common use. The control of the local countryside authorities was based on a legally sanctioned constraint. The criterion for the supervision of this institution was its compliance with the legal norms, particularly with a location document of a given country commune.
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    Regulacje prawne postępowania antydumpingowego w Polsce w świetle przystąpienia do Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu) Jorasz, Alicja
    Passing of the Law of December 11, 1997 on protection of the Polish customs zone from the merchandise imported at dumping prices (Journal of Law 1997, no. 157, section 1028) raised considerable controversy among economists and stimulated a discussion on the principle of anti-dumping regulations coming into force as Poland was about to access the European Union. The paper discusses the Polish anti-dumping regulations stipulated in the above Law of December 11, 1997 that were binding until the accession day and the changes introduced with respect to anti-dumping regulations following Poland’s accession to the European Union.
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    Grupa Agora – poszukiwanie drogi rozwoju
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Ząbkowicz, Jerzy
    The transformation of Polish society and economy over the last two decades is also reflected in the process of the press market becoming mature. The segments of this market transform assuming a strong market economy character. New dominating players emerge representing both domestic and – increasingly often – foreign capital. The foundation and expansion of the Agora Group, the publisher of „Gazeta Wyborcza” inspires peculiar common interest (or even fascination). It is usually presented rather one-sidedly as a Polish version of an American „rags-to-riches” story. The organizational and financial aspect of the Group operations is usually neglected or oversimplified. This paper was written in the first quarter of 2004. It tries to show the publisher of „Gazeta Wyborcza” not with respect to its media mission but to its economic aspect. The management board of this business outlines and tries to implement a certain strategy. However, in doing so they apparently fail to avoid considerable errors and threats.
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    Proces pokojowy w Irlandii Północnej w latach 90-tych i perspektywy uregulowania konfliktu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Wróbel, Marzena
    At the beginning the paper presents a brief historic outline of the conflict. It describes the strife of the two communities of Northern Ireland that date back to the division of the island in 1921. It also reminds the sources of the conflict that originated with the English conquest of the Celtic Ireland of 13th century. Next, the author analyzes the stages of the peace process in the ‘90s of 20th century, including the elections to the local Assembly of November 2003. In conclusions the author observes that the biggest problem is the popularity of extremist political platforms in the society. This conclusion is not entirely pessimistic, though. The author hopes that the community of Ulster and its political representatives have become so fatigued with the decades of strife that they may finally choose peace this time.
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    Литовский путь к демократии
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Фурман, E. Д.
    W 2004 roku kraje bałtyckie zostaną pełnoprawnymi członkami Unii Europejskiej. Ich „powrót do Europy” rozpoczął się w 1991, jednakże początkowo, inaczej niż w krajach Europy Środkowej, towarzyszyło mu nasilenie nastrojów nacjonalistycznych związanych z obawami przed utraceniem dopiero co narodzonej niepodległości. W Estonii i na Łotwie lęki te związane były przede wszystkim z obecnością znaczącej mniejszości rosyjskiej, natomiast na Litwie wynikały głównie z podejrzliwości i wrogości nowej prawicowej elity politycznej wobec dawnych komunistów. Litewski ruch narodowościowy był najbardziej radykalnym ruchem w państwach nadbałtyckich.Wynikało to z nacjonalistycznych nastrojów okresu międzywojennego oraz autorytarnych tendencji, których kulminacją był reżim Smetonów. Tendencje takie zaprzeczały idei „powrotu do Europy”, nierozerwalnie związanego z pełną demokratyzacją życia politycznego. W celu osiągnięcia pełnej integracji z nową Europą Litwini musieli przezwyciężyć te tendencje swoich elit rządzących, co pozwoliło im wywalczyć niepodległość. Stanowi to w wielu aspektach wyjaśnienie triumfalnego zwycięstwa, jakie w 1992 roku odniosła Demokratyczna Partia Pracy (późniejsza Partia Socjaldemokratyczna), której przewodził dawny komunista, oraz porażki narodowych demokratów (pierwszej z serii demokratycznych zmian u sterów Litwy) będących ważnym krokiem w kierunku stworzenia dojrzałej i stabilnej demokracji wiodącej do Europy.
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    Budowa podstaw systemu partyjnego współczesnej Rosji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Stelmach, Andrzej
    The party system is only shaping in contemporary Russia. The process commenced in 1990 when the change of the Constitution provided for free establishment of political parties in Russia. Banning of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union resulted in numerous new parties emerging with an ambition of becoming a dominating party in Russian politics. These attempts failed to succeed. Dynamic development of political organizations was related to democratic election procedures. Quantitative development was not conducive for the stability of political stage. Dispersed, insignificant political parties were not an efficient instrument of political influence. There were numerous attempts to consolidate the groups of similar political platforms, yet they did not generated expected results. Even the most important political campaigns related to parliamentary or presidential elections were unable to consolidate political parties in Russia. The absence of a clear parliamentary majority as well as dispersion and a clearly confrontational policy of the parties was conducive for increasingly stronger presidential authority. The lack of a clear party system resulted in a failed attempt to restore the former political system. In 1992–1993 attempts were made to provide political support for the so-called reformatory government. They failed to generate any permanent organizational solutions. Political elite was unable to consolidate either around the strategic objectives or around their leaders. In the initial period of democracy shaping in Russia a party system did not provide any support for this democracy. It was rather its caricature.
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    Kulturowa teoria kapitalizmu
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Tudek, Andrzej
    The paper is an extensive critique of a book by P.L. Berger, entitled The Capitalist Revolution and devoted to the non-economic conditions of capitalism spreading throughout the world. The author reflects on the issue whether the research method presented in the book, written at the time of confrontation between capitalism and socialism, remains efficient in the contemporary world facing quite different challenges. The answer is negative, as the author proves that Berger proposed an interesting idea of researching the so-called economic culture, but he failed to develop it as he neglected appropriate definitions. Consequently, Berger’s considerations devoted to the peculiarity of Western European culture are narrowed to the historic analyses of the influence of religion and social myths on common awareness. The author of the paper rejects the suggestion that the tension between the traditional middle class and intellectuals may threaten the vitality of capitalism.
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    Władza i prawo. Studium z hermeneutyki politycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2004) Paradowski, Ryszard
    Political position of the Catholic Church in Poland, eclectic nature of constitutional principles of the 1997 Constitution as well as persistent attempts made to acknowledge the Christian character of the European Union pose a question about the actual meaning of Christian values as well as their attitude to democratic values and principles. Addressing this question the author analyzes the notion of authority and law in the Old and New Testament. He refers to the authoritarian interpretation of these notions in Catholicism and in particular to the secondary and inferior commandment of loving ones’ neighbor, which is subordinated to the commandment of unconditional subjection to the Highest Authority.